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    Download limit reached, cant download.
  2. Rejected Request Req. Arrows&Bullets

    I would like to update my last post. You can hack levels and star ranks for, promotion, character, heroes, minions, relics, souls, equipment Can't find the value of, asending, Individual stats or currency. Haven't tried using fuzzy search. Haven't gotten a permanent ban as of yet, but I still...
  3. Rejected Request Req. Arrows&Bullets

    Tested on gameguardian with parallel spaces: levels of character, heroes, minions, relics, souls, equipment, promotion, asending, damage, HP, mana, and some other attributes can be hacked. I don't know where to begin hacking individual skills. Only problem is when all stats are modified, they...
  4. PMT FREE MOD Mobile Royale Ver. 1.50.0 MOD Menu APK | One Hit Kill | God Mode |

    Does this work on all modes or just the story mode?