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  1. Help! A game that I modded doesn't work in VMOS.

    No problem and yeah the vm itself is still on its early stage.
  2. Help! A game that I modded doesn't work in VMOS.

    But the thing is, it works on emulator and my phone. But doesn't work in vmos (installed in my phone).
  3. Help! A game that I modded doesn't work in VMOS.

    Maybe that's why.. But, I did sign it. Just to test if it works or nah. Will check it some other time.
  4. Help! A game that I modded doesn't work in VMOS.

    Deleting arm64 folder and just leave armv7(edited) doesn't work. Any idea?
  5. Help! A game that I modded doesn't work in VMOS.

    So.. I modded a game called AnimA ARPG. It works in emulator and my phone, but doesn't work in vmos that I installed in my phone. I edited the in lib/armeabi-v7a of the app. Put it in back inside the app, installed it in my emulator, WORKS FINE. My phone too. Tested it in vmos, it...
  6. Why are you cheating/hacking?

    To get an advantage over Whales in P2W and P4P games.