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  1. Help! Il2cpp Get Health Function

    Yes that one. No worries, I'm happy with what I was able to mod. I'll keep trying various ways for health though.
  2. Help! Il2cpp Get Health Function

    @KingTrauma have you had a chance to look at this game?
  3. Help! Adblocker

    What Adblocker are you using? Mobile or computer? Make sure you don't have compression turned on to save data. Aslo if you use a DNS server like Adguard or OpenDns it may still be blocking. FWIW Ublock Origin is the best blocker for FF or Chrome.
  4. Help! What are common keywords?

  5. Help! Il2cpp Get Health Function

    @KingTrauma Last Battleground I've managed to mod a few things HP & Ammo is still troubling me. HP may be serversided but I know ammo is not, easy to change with a mem hacker. But every ammo offset that should fit the bill hasn't worked for me.
  6. Help! Il2cpp Get Health Function

    Hi all, Been trying every which way I can think of to mod this function and am getting no where and am hoping you can help. public int get_Hp(); public void set_Hp(int value); I have tried modding the get function by using MOV R0, #0x43000000 BX LR Neither worked. What was odd is that...