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  1. Tutorial NEW Pairip Kill Tutorial ( tested on VPNIFY )

    What is CRC ? and how to Patch bro?
  2. Help! Hook negative value

    Hi there, I'm trying to turn game price to negative value so money increase when i click buy. int (*old_get_int__)(void *instance); int get_int__(void *instance) { if ( instance != NULL ) { int number = old_get_int__(instance); return number * -1; } return...
  3. Help! Help with Hooking and KittyMemory

    Hello, I use kittymemory. It works fine with armv7, but not work with arm64-v8a. Please hint me
  4. Help! How to find function name in native lib

    Your tutorial for the lib that contains function name. Not work on my case.
  5. Help! How to find function name in native lib

    Hello, How to find function name in native lib for some game. I only see some thing like "SUB_xxxxxxxx" in IDA view Please give me a hint Thank you