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  1. Not Working Warhammer: Odyssey MMORPG Ver. 1.0.4 | Max Attack Speed

    Yes, this is what this mod does. i ve just posted this video for Dhubs to see. Maybe it can help him somehow to improve his mod.
  2. Not Working Warhammer: Odyssey MMORPG Ver. 1.0.4 | Max Attack Speed

    im trying it now. it doesnt really changes anything and it doesnt also make a three hit combo.. i dont know if i have to chance something in settings ( the slider, kittymemory) which i dont have the slightest idea what they do.
  3. Not Working Warhammer: Odyssey MMORPG Ver. 1.0.4 | Max Attack Speed

    It works with AM. it shoots 2 auto attack at the same time but for couple of seconds you cant deal any more dmg. I think the difference is only visual but you do the same dps. good work tho.