
  1. Outdated [Chinese] 狂暴之翼星耀版 (Legacy of Discord) v1.0.0 APK | VIP15 | 20000 diamond | 20000 black diamond | 400k gold coin

    As requested but only chinese peoples can make private server of this game at the moment Playstore Link: Legacy of Discord-FuriousWings - Apps on Google Play Website link: 狂暴之翼星耀版_狂暴之翼星耀版公益服_变态版狂暴之翼星耀版无限元宝服_狂暴之翼星耀版官网_3733手机游戏 Game Name: 狂暴之翼星耀版 (Legacy of Discord) Name of Private Server...
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