Playstore Link: 페이트/그랜드 오더 - Apps on Google Play
Game Name: 페이트/그랜드 오더
Code For Game Version: 5.1.0
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root : Yes
Needs Magisk ; Yes ( real deivces )
Works for rooted and non-rooted devices, but non-rooted devices require to install Virtual Space or VMOS in order to make this...
Playstore Link: Fate/Grand Order - Apps on Google Play
Game Name: Fate/Grand Order (フェイト/グランドオーダー)
Game Version: v2.109.5
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No
Based on MOD by: @Yaskashije
*MOD Preview*
*MOD Features*
1. MOD Menu
2. Dumb Enemy
3. Max Charge CritStars
4. Max Charge NP
5. God Mode...
always crit
always player turn
damage multiplier
defense multiplier
fate/grand order
fate/grand order cheat
fate/grand order hack
fate/grand order mod
fgofgo jp
god mode
japanese version mod
no skill cooldown
single player