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OA Outdated [18+] 7 Angels (Nutaku) Ver. 2.1.66R MOD APK | Gem | Ruby | Energy

Still stuck on loading screen. Anyone getting inside the game?? Please Reply!

I started the game through another account to troubleshoot and found that, if you follow the instructions given in the description you won't be stuck at the loading screen. Only when I tried buy additional memory slots through gem (haven't checked with rubies), that the amount of gem and rubies skyrocketed and the game became inaccessible. Don't know whether it is a bug which can be resolved. (once again, I'm emphasizing, I tried buying memory slots through gems. Don't know about buying through Rubies.)
Update: Tried buying memory slotes through rubies from another account. Same result. CONCLUSION: Don't buy memory slots or else your game will be stuck at loading screen.