Broken Link AdBlock - Block ads from all browsers, blocker++? v2.3.002 [Premium]


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AdBlock is the best way to get rid of intrusive ads and online tracking, and to protect your mobile from malware. Make your web surfing faster, safer and more comfortable with AdBlock!

What AdBlock does:
This application only runs on web browser
1. Blocks all ads including:
- Video ads
- Rich media advertising, interstitial ads and floating ads
- Unwanted pop-ups and pop-unders
- Banners and text ads

2. Speeds up webpage loading and saves bandwidth, due to the removed ads and pop-ups.

3. Save battery life by only loading the content you care about

4. Helps to block spyware, adware and malware, by not loading the infected domains.

5. Helps to protect your privacy by blocking third-party tracking systems.

6. Helps to protect you from malware & phishing.

• AdBlock only blocks ads inside web browser, compatible with most browsers
• As it only intercepts DNS traffic it is a fairly lightweight solution and does not seem to have any measurable effect on the battery life.
• AdBlock cannot block 100% unwanted content.

Why can i still see the ad?
• The website may cache some ads, please wait a moment, or restart your browser.
• The advertisements and web content of some websites are the same network api, and this part of the advertisement cannot be blocked.

What's New:
Please make sure to turn on blocking mode and reopen the webpage!

1.Fix the issue that sometimes the ad block fails
2.Rewrite the block kernel for higher block efficiency

MOD Info:
Premium unlocked.

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