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Add Text: Text on Photo Editor - Apps on Google Play
All-in-one editor for text creation with 1000+ fonts
Need For Text? We've got you covered. Stylish typography with lots of fonts. Save your work as Project to edit or reuse later, create templates. Lots of tools but small APK size. Go ahead and create a meme, quote, Instagram story, Youtube thumbnail, banner, cover photo with captions, word art, poster, flyer, invitation, logo etc.
3D text tools included: 3D rotate, depth and perspective!
If you come across any problems contact us at [email protected] we're there to help.
Oh, here are our tutorials:
Just so you know: you can apply different styles in single text, just select different parts of the text and apply the tool: supported in Format, Color, Stroke and Highlight tools!
• 800+ fonts categorized by language, serifs, display, handwriting and monospace
• Add custom fonts including emoji fonts. Hit "+" button in Format tool
• Add multiple texts on photo, edit each one without losing final preview
• Move, scale, rotate and wrap the text by pinching or by handles
• Save Projects to edit later
• Save Text Styles to reuse later
• Transparent image support, save as PNG
• Change color. Apply on each word/letter separately
• Outline/Stroke text with colors and stroke width. Apply on each word/letter separately
• Highlight text. Apply on each word/letter separately
• Letter / Line spacing
• Positioning grid. Layer support: Bring to Font/Back
• 3D Rotate
• 3D text with depth
• Perspective / 3D mode: easily break 2D bounds
• Text Bending: text along a curve
• Shadow with colors, opacity, blur and positioning
• Predefined Gradients. Edit start/end colors and gradient angle
• Texture by adding any photo and make any type of transformation with it
• Opacity and Blend with photo
• Clear / Preserve brush
• Stickers and Emojis, hundreds of them arranged in 8 categories
• Ability to add any photo as an overlay
• Undo/Redo history
• Tools for Background: Crop, Resize, Flip/Rotate, Square Fit, fill with Color or Photo
• Tools for Overlays and Stickers: Crop, Positioning, Opacity, Blend, Perspective
• Save as JPEG or PNG and share with everyone
• Lightweight and fast
Your feedback is welcomed. Spread the word to make this tool available for everyone, and inspire us for next releases :)
Add Text to Photo Like a Pro!
What's New:
Fullscreen view in Font tool with vertical scrolling.
Favorites fonts not showing bug fixed.
Quicker way of "Contact Us" from Settings.
3D text tools included: 3D rotate, depth and perspective!
If you come across any problems contact us at [email protected] we're there to help.
Oh, here are our tutorials:
Just so you know: you can apply different styles in single text, just select different parts of the text and apply the tool: supported in Format, Color, Stroke and Highlight tools!
• 800+ fonts categorized by language, serifs, display, handwriting and monospace
• Add custom fonts including emoji fonts. Hit "+" button in Format tool
• Add multiple texts on photo, edit each one without losing final preview
• Move, scale, rotate and wrap the text by pinching or by handles
• Save Projects to edit later
• Save Text Styles to reuse later
• Transparent image support, save as PNG
• Change color. Apply on each word/letter separately
• Outline/Stroke text with colors and stroke width. Apply on each word/letter separately
• Highlight text. Apply on each word/letter separately
• Letter / Line spacing
• Positioning grid. Layer support: Bring to Font/Back
• 3D Rotate
• 3D text with depth
• Perspective / 3D mode: easily break 2D bounds
• Text Bending: text along a curve
• Shadow with colors, opacity, blur and positioning
• Predefined Gradients. Edit start/end colors and gradient angle
• Texture by adding any photo and make any type of transformation with it
• Opacity and Blend with photo
• Clear / Preserve brush
• Stickers and Emojis, hundreds of them arranged in 8 categories
• Ability to add any photo as an overlay
• Undo/Redo history
• Tools for Background: Crop, Resize, Flip/Rotate, Square Fit, fill with Color or Photo
• Tools for Overlays and Stickers: Crop, Positioning, Opacity, Blend, Perspective
• Save as JPEG or PNG and share with everyone
• Lightweight and fast
Your feedback is welcomed. Spread the word to make this tool available for everyone, and inspire us for next releases :)
Add Text to Photo Like a Pro!
What's New:
Fullscreen view in Font tool with vertical scrolling.
Favorites fonts not showing bug fixed.
Quicker way of "Contact Us" from Settings.
*Special Features*
☆Premium features unlocked
Ads removed
Adactivity Removed
Ads layout removed
Premium shapes unlocked
Optimized graphics/Zipaligned
Unwanted files removed
Debug Info Removed
♥ credit ♥ - Mod by Srajawwal09
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