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이세계 대장장이 키우기 : 방치형 RPG
● 공식 카페 ◆선택받은 대장장이가 되어 몬스터들을 처치하고 도시를 지켜라! ◆한국에 저승사자, 중국에 강시가?! 각 나라를 배경으로 한 스테이지! ◆더욱 강력하고 화려하게 바뀌는 스킬 각성 시스템! ◆방치만해도 자동 레벨업! 간편한 육성으로 끝없이 한계돌파! ◆강력한 마법이 깃든 창과 망치로 적을 쓸어버리는 시원한 액션! ◆메두사의 전시장, 블랙드래곤 등 다양한 던전을 공략하는 재미! ◆의상과 무기를 내 마음대로! 다양한 코스튬!
Game Name: Black Smith RPG
Game Version: 1.0.61
Bundle ID: com.dragonheart.blacksmithrpg
Needs Jailbreak: Yes
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 15 and less
Supported Devices:
-Jailbroken iPhone 5s or newer
-Jailbroken iPod Touch 6G or newer
-Jailbroken iPad Air/Pro or newer
-Jailbroken iPad mini 2 or newer
How to make this cheat run for you (read carefully):
How to install Apple MODs / Cheats for iOS Devices with Jailbreak
System Requirements - Your iOS device must have jailbreak. - You need to have Cydia Substrate installed on Cydia. - You need to have PreferenceLoader installed on Cydia. - You need a Filemanager to move the file from your PC to your iDevice (i.e. iFunbox) - You need a Filemanager installed on...

*MOD Features*
- Damage Multiplier
- Defense Multiplier
- EXP Multiplier
- Drop Multiplier -> x1 - 1000
Credits: ?
Free Download:
If credits are unknown or incorrect and you are the modder you are free to message @G-Bo and the credits will be corrected asap!
What you need to know about Shared-iMODs
Please enjoy the MOD and don't forget to visit us regularly for new MODs or updates =)