glydemeister Platinian 40 minutes ago #42 Leg3ndary said: How you login? I can't do it. Click to expand... the guide is in the spoiler for signed APKs, you need to delete your Facebook app for you to login using Facebook
Leg3ndary said: How you login? I can't do it. Click to expand... the guide is in the spoiler for signed APKs, you need to delete your Facebook app for you to login using Facebook
glydemeister Platinian 40 minutes ago #43 diegosilang28 said: I cant log in too what to do? Click to expand... the guide is in the spoiler for signed APKs, you need to delete your Facebook app for you to login using Facebook
diegosilang28 said: I cant log in too what to do? Click to expand... the guide is in the spoiler for signed APKs, you need to delete your Facebook app for you to login using Facebook