Antivirus & Phone Booster - Apps on Google Play
Smartest booster app that will boost and protect your phone with one-tap.
Booster can instantly increase the performance of your device:
- accelerate web browsing speed
- improve gaming experience
- make battery last longer
- clean apps cache
- remove the junk files
- and much more!
Reveal the full potential of your Phone CPU speed with a single tap!
Your Phone speed will shock you!
Booster Features:

Effective junk cleaner that frees up storage space by removing junk files like temp files, app cache, temp files, Apk files from the phone.

Protects the phone against excessive permissions of the apps.

Speed up phone with RAM Optimization that can be done in one Tap.

Extend battery life by closing running apps and minimizing power usage.

Cool down your CPU temperature with smart cooler optimization.

Simple and user-friendly app that allows you to clean and optimize your phone with just tapping the boost button.
Now with the Booster, you can keep your Android phone clean and fast with just one tap.
NOTE: All information will be kept secure and not shared with the 3rd party according to Privacy Policy.
*Special Features*
- Premium / Pro Features Unlocked
- Unlocked All Toolkit
- Unlocked Automatic Cleaner
- Unlocked Automatic Security Scanning
- Unlocked Photo Cleaner
- Unlocked All Notification Reminder
- Charging Optimization
- One Tap Clean & Boost
- Ad-Free Experience
- CPU Architectures : Arm64-v8a, Armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64
- Total APK Size : 23.8 MB
- Modded By Arcaxia | @Arcaxia