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Open Request Born Again

Game Name: Born Again

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Anything possible
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> I've tried CheatEngine. By using empty instructions to bypass the call to coll code, you can do anything. This includes generating items, locking attack actions (continuously attacking), and modifying attributes. The current code for the ultimate weapon is 22347776
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  1. Bug Bounty #1
    $100 - Permanent Item Duplication
    If you know how to duplicate items and have them stick around in the current patch, we are offering $100 via PayPal or $200 worth of medallions! DM @Juix for more information, you must be able to provide reproducible steps. Permanent item dupes are duplications that result with a new item ID being generated.
  2. [23:05]
    Bug Bounty #2
    $25 - Temporary Item Duplication
    If you know how to duplicate items temporarily in the current patch, we are offering $25 via PayPal or $50 worth of medallions! DM @Juix for more information, you must be able to provide reproducible steps. Temporary item dupes are duplications that result in two items with the same
  3. Bug Bounty #3
    $50 - Server Crash
    If you know how to crash the server, we are offering $50 via PayPal or $100 worth of medallions! DM @Juix for more information, you must be able to provide reproducible steps. Server crashes result in everyone in the server being "locked out" with the error "You are already logged in"
Gold hack?
I really doubt gold hack is possible I would say it is definitely not.

What I'm thinking is if someone maybe could do Godmode that is often possible in similar games and if godmode isn't a possibility then a Auto nexus mod would be awesome..

There is already a feature in game where u can press a button and instantly get teleported to Town so if u get low on Life u can avoid death if u are fast enough to press button.

I would love to have a mod where u can choose Maybe a certain % of life in mod menu

And when ur character looses enough HPdown to that percentage % then it presses the Auto nexus button and gets teleported to safety wo that you can play somewhat more safely...

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