Help! ByNameModding crashes


i'm using bynamemodding in the following code, but it crashes. May I ask if anyone can tell me What is the reason for this?

int(*getcoin)(void *instance);
void (*old_FunctionExample)(void *instance);
void FunctionExample(void *instance) {
instanceBtn = instance;

if (instance != NULL) {
getcoin = (int (*)(void*))((uint64_t) instance +GETFIELD_BNM("BattleCore.dll","BattleCore","BattlePlayer","get_Gold"));
int pd = getcoin(instance);
if(pd==0 && switch){
*(int *) ((uint64_t) instance +GETFIELD_BNM("BattleCore.dll","BattleCore","ActorData","m_hp"))=1;
if(pd>0&& switch)
*(int *) ((uint64_t) instance +GETFIELD_BNM("BattleCore.dll","BattleCore","ActorAttrData","Atk"))=9999999;
return old_FunctionExample(instance);
and corresponding dump.cs like this:
// RVA: 0x1143024 VA: 0x7b48580024
public Int32 get_Gold() { }

private Int32 m_hp; // 0x78

public Int32 Atk; // 0x14

I hook function:

HOOK_BNM("BattleCore.dll", "BattleCore", "ActorData", "RefreshAttr",0,FunctionExample);
We need more information to be able to help you post the game name or the dump maybe you did a error in your declaration check bnm on load post the logcat

Thank u for ur time,I just upload a dump file, hook_bnm is always work when I put it on other hooks.
that's a linked set_hp function, I would like to unlink it, but it doesnt work whatever i use fields or class

and hook_bnm function is:

#define HOOK_BNM(dll,namespace,class,function,count,newfunction) \
DobbyHook((void *) (Il2CppGetMethodOffset(OBFUSCATE(dll), OBFUSCATE(namespace), OBFUSCATE(class) , OBFUSCATE(function), count)),(void *) newfunction , (void **) &old_##newfunction)
// Dll : BattleCore.dll
// Namespace: BattleCore
public class ActorData : ActorEntityCmpt
    // Fields
    private List<BattleCore.ActorAttrImpactMgr> m_listImpact; // 0x20
    private List<BattleCore.ActorAttrImpactMgr> m_listRuntimeImpact; // 0x28
    private ActorAttrData m_attrData; // 0x30
    internal ActorAttrData m_baseData; // 0x38
    private ActorAttrData m_runtimeBase; // 0x40
    private ActorAttrImpactMgr m_tempImpactMgr; // 0x48
    private Boolean m_baseChanged; // 0x50
    private Boolean m_runtimeChanged; // 0x51
    private Int32 <LogicReliveCnt>k__BackingField; // 0x54
    private Int32 <ReliveCnt>k__BackingField; // 0x58
    private Int32 m_maxHp; // 0x5c
    private FP <OriginalMaxHp>k__BackingField; // 0x60
    private FP m_originalHpPercent; // 0x68
    private FP m_hpPercent; // 0x70
    private Int32 m_hp; // 0x78
    private Int32 m_hpCount; // 0x7c
    private Int32 m_mp; // 0x80
    private Int32 m_maxMP; // 0x84
    private FP m_mpPercent; // 0x88
    private FP m_defenseFactor; // 0x90
    private Int32 <AutoReliveCnt>k__BackingField; // 0x98
    private Int32 <TotalReliveCnt>k__BackingField; // 0x9c
    private Int32 m_shield; // 0xa0
    private Int32 m_noDeathCount; // 0xa4
    private Int32 m_invincibleDeathNum; // 0xa8
    internal Int32 TotalInvincibleDeathNum; // 0xac
    private Int32 m_ignoreDamageCount; // 0xb0
    private Int32 m_exp; // 0xb4
    private Int32 m_expLevel; // 0xb8
    private FP m_shieldMaxPercentage; // 0xc0

    // Properties
    public ActorAttrData AttrData { get; }
    public Int32 ReliveCnt { get; set; }
    public Int32 MaxHp { get; set; }
    public FP OriginalMaxHp { get; }
    public Int32 Hp { get; set; }
    public Int32 HpCount { get; set; }
    public FP HpPercent { get; }
    public Int32 MP { get; set; }
    public Int32 MaxMp { get; }
    public FP DefenseFactor { get; set; }
    public Int32 TotalReliveCnt { set; }
    public Int32 Shield { get; set; }
    internal Int32 InvincibleDeathNum { get; set; }
    public Int32 IgnoreDamageCount { get; set; }
    public Int32 ExpLevel { get; }

    // Methods
    // RVA: 0x1084e7c VA: 0x7b484c1e7c
    internal Void RegAttrImpact(ActorAttrImpactMgr impactMgr) { }
    // RVA: 0x1084f78 VA: 0x7b484c1f78
    internal Void RegRuntimgAttrImpact(ActorAttrImpactMgr impactMgr) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085074 VA: 0x7b484c2074
    internal Void UnRegRuntimeAttrImpact(ActorAttrImpactMgr impactMgr) { }
    // RVA: 0x10850e4 VA: 0x7b484c20e4
    public ActorAttrData get_AttrData() { }
    // RVA: 0x10850ec VA: 0x7b484c20ec
    public FP GetAttrValue(Int32 dataType) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085164 VA: 0x7b484c2164
    public Int32 get_ReliveCnt() { }
    // RVA: 0x108516c VA: 0x7b484c216c
    internal Void set_ReliveCnt(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085174 VA: 0x7b484c2174
    public Int32 get_MaxHp() { }
    // RVA: 0x108517c VA: 0x7b484c217c
    internal Void set_MaxHp(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x108544c VA: 0x7b484c244c
    public FP get_OriginalMaxHp() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085454 VA: 0x7b484c2454
    internal Void set_Hp(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085528 VA: 0x7b484c2528
    public Int32 get_Hp() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085530 VA: 0x7b484c2530
    internal Void set_HpCount(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085548 VA: 0x7b484c2548
    public Int32 get_HpCount() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085550 VA: 0x7b484c2550
    public FP get_HpPercent() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085558 VA: 0x7b484c2558
    public Int32 get_MP() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085560 VA: 0x7b484c2560
    internal Void set_MP(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085638 VA: 0x7b484c2638
    public Int32 get_MaxMp() { }
    // RVA: 0x10856a0 VA: 0x7b484c26a0
    public FP get_DefenseFactor() { }
    // RVA: 0x10856a8 VA: 0x7b484c26a8
    public Void set_DefenseFactor(FP value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085720 VA: 0x7b484c2720
    public Void set_TotalReliveCnt(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085728 VA: 0x7b484c2728
    public Int32 get_Shield() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085730 VA: 0x7b484c2730
    public Void set_Shield(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x108578c VA: 0x7b484c278c
    internal Int32 get_InvincibleDeathNum() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085794 VA: 0x7b484c2794
    internal Void set_InvincibleDeathNum(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x10857c0 VA: 0x7b484c27c0
    public Int32 get_IgnoreDamageCount() { }
    // RVA: 0x10857c8 VA: 0x7b484c27c8
    internal Void set_IgnoreDamageCount(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085810 VA: 0x7b484c2810
    public Int32 get_ExpLevel() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085818 VA: 0x7b484c2818
    public Void RefreshAttr() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085958 VA: 0x7b484c2958
    public Void MarkBaseImpactDirty() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085964 VA: 0x7b484c2964
    private Void MarkRuntimeImpactDirty() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085970 VA: 0x7b484c2970
    protected override Void Awake() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085a10 VA: 0x7b484c2a10
    protected override Void OnDestroy() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085ac8 VA: 0x7b484c2ac8
    private Void ClearImpactList(List<BattleCore.ActorAttrImpactMgr> listImpact, Boolean free) { }
    // RVA: 0x10851d0 VA: 0x7b484c21d0
    internal Void RefreshHpPercent() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085bf0 VA: 0x7b484c2bf0
    internal Void SetHP(Int32 hp) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085bf4 VA: 0x7b484c2bf4
    public Void .ctor() { }

// Dll : BattleCore.dll
// Namespace: BattleCore
public class ActorVisualRuntime
    // Fields
    private ActorEntity m_actor; // 0x10
    private Int32 m_skillAnimIndex; // 0x18
    private Single m_skillAnimScale; // 0x1c

    // Properties
    public Int32 SkillAnimIndex { get; set; }
    public Single SkillAnimScale { get; set; }

    // Methods
    // RVA: 0x1085cd0 VA: 0x7b484c2cd0
    public Void .ctor(ActorEntity entity) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085d00 VA: 0x7b484c2d00
    public Int32 get_SkillAnimIndex() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085d08 VA: 0x7b484c2d08
    public Void set_SkillAnimIndex(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085d3c VA: 0x7b484c2d3c
    public Single get_SkillAnimScale() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085d44 VA: 0x7b484c2d44
    public Void set_SkillAnimScale(Single value) { }

// Dll : BattleCore.dll
// Namespace: BattleCore
public class BattleVisualAttrData
    // Fields
    private ActorAttrData m_data; // 0x10

    // Properties
    public ActorAttrData Data { get; }

    // Methods
    // RVA: 0x1085d78 VA: 0x7b484c2d78
    public ActorAttrData get_Data() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085d80 VA: 0x7b484c2d80
    public FP GetAttr(Int32 dataType) { }
    // RVA: 0x1085d98 VA: 0x7b484c2d98
    public Void ClearAttr() { }
    // RVA: 0x1085db0 VA: 0x7b484c2db0
    public Void .ctor() { }

// Dll : BattleCore.dll
// Namespace: BattleCore
public class BattlePlayer
    // Fields
    private Battle m_ownBattle; // 0x10
    private UInt64 <PlayerID>k__BackingField; // 0x18
    internal ActorEntitySide m_side; // 0x20
    private Boolean <FlipX>k__BackingField; // 0x24
    private Boolean <FlipY>k__BackingField; // 0x25
    internal GPSkillTempData m_GPSkillTempData; // 0x28
    public BattleMergeMgr m_mergeMgr; // 0x30
    public BattleMapGridMgr m_mapGridMgr; // 0x38
    internal BattleRandomItemMgr m_randomItemMgr; // 0x40
    public MergeBagHPMgr m_mergeBagHPMgr; // 0x48
    internal BattleDropItemMgr m_dropItemMgr; // 0x50
    internal AffixDataMgr m_affixDataMgr; // 0x58
    internal RandomBuildCtrl m_randomBuildCtrl; // 0x60
    internal GamePlaySkillCtrl m_gpSkillCtrl; // 0x68
    internal BattlePlantMgr m_plantMgr; // 0x70
    internal PlayerEntityMgr m_playerEntityMgr; // 0x78
    internal GridEffectDataMgr m_gridEffectDataMgr; // 0x80
    protected LevelExpCalc m_expCalc; // 0x88
    private ExpParam m_curExpParam; // 0x90
    private Dictionary<System.Int32,BattleCore.BattleMonsterKillData> m_killData; // 0x98
    private List<BattleCore.BattleMonsterKillData> m_killDataList; // 0xa0
    internal BattleKillMonsterNumData BattleKillMonsterNumData; // 0xa8
    private List<BattleCore.MergeItemRecordData> m_ItemRecordDataList; // 0xb0
    public Boolean OnePunchKillForGM; // 0xb8
    public List<System.UInt32> BuildIDs; // 0xc0
    internal BattleWishItemMgr m_wishItemMgr; // 0xc8
    internal AoShuEntity MainAoShuEntity; // 0xd0
    internal List<BattleCore.BattleAoShuCDData> AoShuCDDataList; // 0xd8
    internal List<BattleCore.OtherEntityRunData> OtherEntityRunDataList; // 0xe0
    private Boolean <RejectRevive>k__BackingField; // 0xe8
    private FP <MaxWaitReviveEndTime>k__BackingField; // 0xf0
    private Boolean m_lastIsWaitingRevive; // 0xf8
    private Int32 <AutoReliveNum>k__BackingField; // 0xfc
    private Int32 <ReliveNum>k__BackingField; // 0x100
    private Int32 <MaxReliveNum>k__BackingField; // 0x104
    public List<BattleCore.BattleFreqLimitData> FreqLimitDatas; // 0x108
    internal Boolean NoDeath; // 0x110
    private Int32 <Gold>k__BackingField; // 0x114
    private Int32 <Chip>k__BackingField; // 0x118
    private Int32 <WishNum>k__BackingField; // 0x11c
    public Int32 Level; // 0x120
    public Int32 Exp; // 0x124
    public BigNumber TotalDamage; // 0x128
    public UInt32 RandomSkillGID; // 0x130
    public Int32 MaxNormalChapterId; // 0x134
    public UInt32 TotalPlantFightCnt; // 0x138
    private Boolean m_failFlag; // 0x13c
    private FP <CurExpRate>k__BackingField; // 0x140
    private FTimer m_delayTriggerRandomSkillEventimer; // 0x148
    private Int32 <TeamAverageAtk>k__BackingField; // 0x150
    internal BattlePlayerCreateParam m_createParam; // 0x158
    private LevelBaseConfig m_levelBaseCfg; // 0x160
    private FP m_secondKillInterval; // 0x168
    private FP m_curSecondKillTime; // 0x170
    public Int32 ResetBagWeaponCnt; // 0x178
    internal Boolean Draging; // 0x17c
    private Boolean <HasNormalMonthCard>k__BackingField; // 0x17d
    private Boolean <HasHighMonthCard>k__BackingField; // 0x17e
    private FP m_currInternalTime; // 0x180
    private FP m_startTimerTime; // 0x188
    private TaskEventData m_taskEventData; // 0x190
    private List<BattleCore.PlantUnlockConfig> m_tempUnlockCfgList; // 0x198

    // Properties
    public UInt64 PlayerID { get; set; }
    public Boolean FlipX { get; set; }
    public Boolean FlipY { get; set; }
    internal PlayerEntity MainPlayerEntity { get; }
    public Boolean RejectRevive { get; set; }
    public FP MaxWaitReviveEndTime { get; set; }
    public Boolean IsReviveTimeout { get; }
    public Boolean CanRelive { get; }
    public Boolean HasRelive { get; }
    public Boolean IsWaitingRevive { get; }
    public Boolean IsVeryDead { get; }
    public Int32 AutoReliveNum { get; set; }
    public Int32 ReliveNum { get; set; }
    public Int32 MaxReliveNum { get; set; }
    public Int32 Gold { get; set; }
    public Int32 Chip { get; set; }
    public Int32 WishNum { get; set; }
    public FP CurExpRate { get; set; }
    public Int32 TeamAverageAtk { get; set; }
    public BattleContext Context { get; }
    public BattlePlayerCreateParam CreateParam { get; }
    private Boolean HasNormalMonthCard { set; }
    public Boolean HasHighMonthCard { get; set; }
    public TaskEventData TaskEventData { get; }

    // Methods
    // RVA: 0x1142e60 VA: 0x7b4857fe60
    public UInt64 get_PlayerID() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142e68 VA: 0x7b4857fe68
    internal Void set_PlayerID(UInt64 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1142e70 VA: 0x7b4857fe70
    public Boolean get_FlipX() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142e78 VA: 0x7b4857fe78
    private Void set_FlipX(Boolean value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1142e84 VA: 0x7b4857fe84
    public Boolean get_FlipY() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142e8c VA: 0x7b4857fe8c
    private Void set_FlipY(Boolean value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1142e98 VA: 0x7b4857fe98
    internal PlayerEntity get_MainPlayerEntity() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142eb4 VA: 0x7b4857feb4
    public Boolean get_RejectRevive() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142ebc VA: 0x7b4857febc
    internal Void set_RejectRevive(Boolean value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1142ec8 VA: 0x7b4857fec8
    public FP get_MaxWaitReviveEndTime() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142ed0 VA: 0x7b4857fed0
    internal Void set_MaxWaitReviveEndTime(FP value) { }
    // RVA: 0x113faf0 VA: 0x7b4857caf0
    public Boolean get_IsReviveTimeout() { }
    // RVA: 0x113fab8 VA: 0x7b4857cab8
    public Boolean get_CanRelive() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142ef4 VA: 0x7b4857fef4
    public Boolean get_HasRelive() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142f18 VA: 0x7b4857ff18
    public Boolean get_IsWaitingRevive() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142f88 VA: 0x7b4857ff88
    public Boolean get_IsVeryDead() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142ff4 VA: 0x7b4857fff4
    public Int32 get_AutoReliveNum() { }
    // RVA: 0x1142ffc VA: 0x7b4857fffc
    internal Void set_AutoReliveNum(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1143004 VA: 0x7b48580004
    public Int32 get_ReliveNum() { }
    // RVA: 0x114300c VA: 0x7b4858000c
    internal Void set_ReliveNum(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1143014 VA: 0x7b48580014
    public Int32 get_MaxReliveNum() { }
    // RVA: 0x114301c VA: 0x7b4858001c
    internal Void set_MaxReliveNum(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1143024 VA: 0x7b48580024
    public Int32 get_Gold() { }
    // RVA: 0x114302c VA: 0x7b4858002c
    private Void set_Gold(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1143034 VA: 0x7b48580034
    public Int32 get_Chip() { }
    // RVA: 0x114303c VA: 0x7b4858003c
    private Void set_Chip(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1143044 VA: 0x7b48580044
    public Int32 get_WishNum() { }
    // RVA: 0x114304c VA: 0x7b4858004c
    private Void set_WishNum(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1143054 VA: 0x7b48580054
    public FP get_CurExpRate() { }
    // RVA: 0x114305c VA: 0x7b4858005c
    private Void set_CurExpRate(FP value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1143064 VA: 0x7b48580064
    public Int32 get_TeamAverageAtk() { }
    // RVA: 0x114306c VA: 0x7b4858006c
    private Void set_TeamAverageAtk(Int32 value) { }
    // RVA: 0x1143074 VA: 0x7b48580074
    internal Void .ctor(Battle ownBattle) { }
    // RVA: 0x1142ed8 VA: 0x7b4857fed8
    public BattleContext get_Context() { }
    // RVA: 0x11433cc VA: 0x7b485803cc
    public BattlePlayerCreateParam get_CreateParam() { }
    // RVA: 0x11433d4 VA: 0x7b485803d4
    private Void set_HasNormalMonthCard(Boolean value) { }
    // RVA: 0x11433e0 VA: 0x7b485803e0
    public Boolean get_HasHighMonthCard() { }
    // RVA: 0x11433e8 VA: 0x7b485803e8
    private Void set_HasHighMonthCard(Boolean value) { }
    // RVA: 0x11433f4 VA: 0x7b485803f4
    internal Void Init(BattlePlayerCreateParam param, ActorEntitySide side, Int32 index) { }
    // RVA: 0x11446d4 VA: 0x7b485816d4
    internal Void Destroy() { }
    // RVA: 0x1144ad4 VA: 0x7b48581ad4
    internal Void Update() { }
    // RVA: 0x1144ba8 VA: 0x7b48581ba8
    internal Void AddExp(Int32 exp) { }
    // RVA: 0x1144bbc VA: 0x7b48581bbc
    private Void OnExpChg(ExpParam param) { }
    // RVA: 0x1144cec VA: 0x7b48581cec
    internal Void TriggerRandomSkillEvent(UInt32 boxLibId, SelectSkillType skillType) { }
    // RVA: 0x1144d04 VA: 0x7b48581d04
    internal Void PrepareTimeChangeGoldCmd() { }
    // RVA: 0x1144e9c VA: 0x7b48581e9c
    private Void AddInitStageCurrency() { }
    // RVA: 0x11400f0 VA: 0x7b4857d0f0
    internal Void AddGold(Int32 addVal, Boolean sendGoldChgEvent) { }
    // RVA: 0x1145040 VA: 0x7b48582040
    internal Boolean DecGold(Int32 decVal) { }
    // RVA: 0x1144f94 VA: 0x7b48581f94
    internal Void AddChip(Int32 addVal, Boolean sendChipChgEvent) { }
    // RVA: 0x11450f4 VA: 0x7b485820f4
    internal Boolean DecChip(Int32 decVal) { }
    // RVA: 0x11451a8 VA: 0x7b485821a8
    internal Void AddWishNum() { }
    // RVA: 0x11451b8 VA: 0x7b485821b8
    public Boolean CheckGoldCanRandomBag() { }
    // RVA: 0x11451fc VA: 0x7b485821fc
    public Boolean CheckChipCanWish() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145234 VA: 0x7b48582234
    public Boolean IsChipEnoughToWish() { }
    // RVA: 0x114525c VA: 0x7b4858225c
    public Int32 GetWishRequireChip() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145278 VA: 0x7b48582278
    internal Void CheckAndSelectSkill(UInt32 gid, UInt32 index) { }
    // RVA: 0x11453f0 VA: 0x7b485823f0
    internal Void CheckAndSelectAllSkill(UInt32 gid) { }
    // RVA: 0x11457a0 VA: 0x7b485827a0
    internal Void LearnDropSkillBox(UInt32 boxLibID, ActorEntity actor) { }
    // RVA: 0x1140240 VA: 0x7b4857d240
    internal Void OnGamePlayerStart() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145cf4 VA: 0x7b48582cf4
    internal Void OnMergeStageEnter() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145d24 VA: 0x7b48582d24
    public List<BattleCore.RandomBuildNormalData> GetCacheSkillData() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145ef0 VA: 0x7b48582ef0
    public List<System.UInt32> GetSelectedBuildIdList() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145f08 VA: 0x7b48582f08
    public Int32 GetCacheBuildCnt() { }
    // RVA: 0x113fa7c VA: 0x7b4857ca7c
    public Boolean IsDied() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145f1c VA: 0x7b48582f1c
    public Int32 GetSnapBattlePlayerHp() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145f58 VA: 0x7b48582f58
    public Int32 GetMp() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145f8c VA: 0x7b48582f8c
    public Void SetFailFlag(Boolean state) { }
    // RVA: 0x1140078 VA: 0x7b4857d078
    public Void OnRelive() { }
    // RVA: 0x11457b4 VA: 0x7b485827b4
    public Void ProcessBuildID() { }
    // RVA: 0x11461a4 VA: 0x7b485831a4
    public TaskEventData get_TaskEventData() { }
    // RVA: 0x11461ac VA: 0x7b485831ac
    public Void RecordKillMonster(Int32 monsterId) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146308 VA: 0x7b48583308
    public Void SnapKillMonsterData(ref List<BattleCore.BattleMonsterKillData>& ret) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146464 VA: 0x7b48583464
    public Void RecordKillMonsterNum(ActorEntity entity) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146504 VA: 0x7b48583504
    public Void RecordMergeItem(Int32 itemId, Int32 mergeLv) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146668 VA: 0x7b48583668
    public Void SnapMergeBagItemData(ref List<BattleCore.MergeItemRecordData>& ret) { }
    // RVA: 0x11467bc VA: 0x7b485837bc
    private BattleFreqLimitData GetFreqLimitData(Int32 key) { }
    // RVA: 0x1145614 VA: 0x7b48582614
    internal Void AddBattleFreqLimitData(Int32 curKey, Boolean useAd) { }
    // RVA: 0x1145554 VA: 0x7b48582554
    public Boolean IsReachMaxLimitVal(Int32 key, Boolean useAd) { }
    // RVA: 0x114685c VA: 0x7b4858385c
    public Int32 GetCurLevelFreqLimitVal(Int32 key, Boolean useAd) { }
    // RVA: 0x11468c0 VA: 0x7b485838c0
    public Int32 GetChapterFreqLimitVal(Int32 key, Boolean useAd) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146918 VA: 0x7b48583918
    public Int32 GetCurLevelFreqLeftVal(Int32 key, Boolean useAd) { }
    // RVA: 0x11469d4 VA: 0x7b485839d4
    public Int32 GetChapterFreqLeftVal(Int32 key, Boolean useAd) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146a70 VA: 0x7b48583a70
    public Boolean CheckHasFormula(Int32 plantID) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146a84 VA: 0x7b48583a84
    public PlantEntity GetPlantEntityByGridIdx(Int32 gridIdx) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146a98 VA: 0x7b48583a98
    public Void GetGridEffectByCurPlantId(Int32 plantId, ref List<BattleCore.GridEffectFuncData>& retList) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146b2c VA: 0x7b48583b2c
    public Void GetAllShowPlantID(ref List<System.Int32>& list) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146bc8 VA: 0x7b48583bc8
    public Void GetAllFightPlantID(ref List<System.Int32>& list) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146c64 VA: 0x7b48583c64
    public PlayerEntityRunData GetPlayerEntityRunData() { }
    // RVA: 0x1146c7c VA: 0x7b48583c7c
    public PlayerEntity GetCurPlayerEntity() { }
    // RVA: 0x1146c94 VA: 0x7b48583c94
    public Int64 GetCurAllDamage() { }
    // RVA: 0x1146cd4 VA: 0x7b48583cd4
    public Int64 GetMonsterTypeDamage(Int32 type) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146d24 VA: 0x7b48583d24
    public PlantRunData GetPlantRunData(Int32 id) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146d38 VA: 0x7b48583d38
    public UInt32 GetCurTotalPlantFightCnt() { }
    // RVA: 0x1146d40 VA: 0x7b48583d40
    public Int32 GetFightPlantCount(Int32 id) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146d54 VA: 0x7b48583d54
    public Int32 GetReRandSkillCnt(Int32 key) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146e08 VA: 0x7b48583e08
    public Boolean CheckIsPickPlantItem(Int32 plantId) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146ec0 VA: 0x7b48583ec0
    public UInt32 GetPlantLv(Int32 plantId) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146ed4 VA: 0x7b48583ed4
    public UInt32 GetPlantStarLv(Int32 plantId) { }
    // RVA: 0x1146ee8 VA: 0x7b48583ee8
    internal Boolean CheckChangeStageToLevelRandomSkill() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145930 VA: 0x7b48582930
    internal Boolean CheckAddDefaultBuildLib() { }
    // RVA: 0x1145b5c VA: 0x7b48582b5c
    private Boolean CheckAddEngraveBuildLib() { }
    // RVA: 0x1146fb8 VA: 0x7b48583fb8
    private Boolean CheckBuildBelongBaseFightPlant(BuildConfig buildCfg) { }
    // RVA: 0x1147134 VA: 0x7b48584134
    internal Void NewLearnGPSkill(GamePlaySkillFuncType funcType) { }
    // RVA: 0x11471d4 VA: 0x7b485841d4
    public Boolean CanFreeWish() { }
    // RVA: 0x1147204 VA: 0x7b48584204
    public Int32 GetAoShuCount() { }
    // RVA: 0x1147254 VA: 0x7b48584254
    public BattleAoShuEntry GetAoshuEntry(Int32 index) { }
    // RVA: 0x1144254 VA: 0x7b48581254
    private Void CreateMainAoShuEntity() { }
    // RVA: 0x11472e0 VA: 0x7b485842e0
    public List<BattleCore.BattleAoShuEntry> GetAoShuList() { }
    // RVA: 0x11472fc VA: 0x7b485842fc
    public Boolean IsAoShuInCd(Int32 skillID) { }
    // RVA: 0x1147478 VA: 0x7b48584478
    public Int32 GetMaxMp() { }
    // RVA: 0x11474c0 VA: 0x7b485844c0
    public Void RecordAoShuSkill(UInt32 skillID) { }
    // RVA: 0x1147678 VA: 0x7b48584678
    public Boolean CanClipGrid() { }
    // RVA: 0x114455c VA: 0x7b4858155c
    private Void UpdateTeamAverageAttr() { }
inside of your code you do
getcoin = (int (*)(void*))((uint64_t) instance +GETFIELD_BNM("BattleCore.dll","BattleCore","BattlePlayer","get_Gold"));

while we dont know the struct of your declare but get_Gold is not a field in your dump its a method

i cannot do feather investigaion becuse you only parsed the battleplayer class not the full dump its for what game
inside of your code you do
getcoin = (int (*)(void*))((uint64_t) instance +GETFIELD_BNM("BattleCore.dll","BattleCore","BattlePlayer","get_Gold"));

while we dont know the struct of your declare but get_Gold is not a field in your dump its a method

i cannot do feather investigaion becuse you only parsed the battleplayer class not the full dump its for what game
sry it seems i can't upload the file,so I upload to web,im not sure if you can open this website:
and also why try hooking getgold insted of the Update function thats avalaible in your class try a basic hook and try to add logs to see where its crashin

bool MaxDamage = false ;

void (*old_BattlePlayer_Update)(void *instance);
void BattlePlayer_Update(void * instance){

    if(instance != nullptr){


            *(int *) ((uint64_t) instance + 0x14) = 9999;
            *(int *) ((uint64_t) instance + 0x78) = 1;



and also why try hooking getgold insted of the Update function thats avalaible in your class try a basic hook and try to add logs to see where its crashin

bool MaxDamage = false ;

void (*old_BattlePlayer_Update)(void *instance);
void BattlePlayer_Update(void * instance){

    if(instance != nullptr){


            *(int *) ((uint64_t) instance + 0x14) = 9999;
            *(int *) ((uint64_t) instance + 0x78) = 1;



actually it doesnt crash when i try a basic hook,but it links me and enemy,that fields and function work 2 sides,im trying to unlink the roles
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