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Help! Call Funtion

//private System.String CreateString(System.SByte* value, System.Int32 startIndex, System.Int32 length); // 0x3c6db08
monoString *CreateIl2cppString(const char *str) {
monoString *(*String_CreateString)(void *instance, const char *str, int start, int length) = (monoString*(*)(void *, const char *, int, int)) (g_il2cppBaseMap.startAddress + string2Offset(OBFUSCATE("0x2596B20")));
int length = (int)strlen(str);
return String_CreateString(NULL, str, 0, length);
void (*PurchaseRealMoney) (void* instance, monoString* productId);
//private System.Void _BuyGemCallBack(System.String productId); // 0x231ab14
void Pointers() {
PurchaseRealMoney = (void(*)(void*, monoString*)) (g_il2cppBaseMap.startAddress + string2Offset(OBFUSCATE("0x231ab14")));

//public System.Void BuyPackageUpdate(); // 0x23e2800
void (*old_Backend)(void *instance);
void Backend(void *instance) {
if (instance != NULL) {
if (addCurrency) {
LOGW("Calling Purchase");
PurchaseRealMoney(instance, CreateIl2cppString("Free"));
addCurrency = false;

return old_Backend(instance);

I want call method, but not work
Could just be sum wrong with the update function