Playstore Link:
GitHub - samolego/Canta: Uninstall any Android app without root (with power of Shizuku). Debloat your device as you wish, no PC required.
Uninstall any Android app without root (with power of Shizuku). Debloat your device as you wish, no PC required. - samolego/Canta
GitHub - RikkaApps/Shizuku: Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process.
Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process. - RikkaApps/Shizuku
Canta | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
Uninstall any(*) app without root!
Uses universal debloat list for badges. Please read the guide on how recommendations are chosen.
Note: Supports only Android 9+ (SDK = 28).
How-to install Shizuku & activate it:
You can follow this Android Police guide for more in-depth explanation
Install Canta, select an app and click the trash button
* no bricking - if you remove essential app and get stuck in a bootloop after reboot - you will need to do factory reset, but that's it!
* auto detect previously uninstalled apps if you've already removed any using adb
What's New:
improved filters - instead of "hide x" now they work "show x only". AND is applied if multiple filters are selected.
added support for android 9, 10, 11 (could probably go lower but afaik HiddenApiBypass requires sdk 28 (android 9))
first-time uninstall doesn't fail anymore
improved app popup info
app loading screen now doesn't freeze the whole app (used to run in UI thread, now it's in separate thread)
Note: Supports only Android 9+ (SDK = 28).
How-to install Shizuku & activate it:
You can follow this Android Police guide for more in-depth explanation
Install Canta, select an app and click the trash button
* no bricking - if you remove essential app and get stuck in a bootloop after reboot - you will need to do factory reset, but that's it!
* auto detect previously uninstalled apps if you've already removed any using adb
What's New:
improved filters - instead of "hide x" now they work "show x only". AND is applied if multiple filters are selected.
added support for android 9, 10, 11 (could probably go lower but afaik HiddenApiBypass requires sdk 28 (android 9))
first-time uninstall doesn't fail anymore
improved app popup info
app loading screen now doesn't freeze the whole app (used to run in UI thread, now it's in separate thread)
*Special Features*
Requirements: 9.0+ | Shizuku
Overview: Uninstall any app without root! Powered by Shizuku .
○ credit : Fxolan
Free Download:
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