nowhere_222 Approved Modder Approved Modder Yesterday at 9:16 PM #1,241 zeldrax said: Speed hack in travel is kinda laggy Click to expand... don't activate it then ^^
M mmshoe Platinian Yesterday at 9:43 PM #1,242 DeMoNiCz said: @nowhere_222 newupdate today 1.5.5 Click to expand... It broke fast travel for me
nowhere_222 Approved Modder Approved Modder Yesterday at 9:54 PM #1,243 mmshoe said: It broke fast travel for me Click to expand... don't use with speed hack if it bugged :))
mmshoe said: It broke fast travel for me Click to expand... don't use with speed hack if it bugged :))
M mmshoe Platinian Today at 12:41 AM #1,245 nowhere_222 said: don't use with speed hack if it bugged :)) Click to expand... It is just at normal speed while everything else is fast . The mode is great nonetheless
nowhere_222 said: don't use with speed hack if it bugged :)) Click to expand... It is just at normal speed while everything else is fast . The mode is great nonetheless
nowhere_222 Approved Modder Approved Modder Today at 11:28 AM #1,247 TrixyTM123 said: Now the new version is out 1.5.5 Click to expand... still 1.5.4 bro, 1.5.5 is update inside the game,
TrixyTM123 said: Now the new version is out 1.5.5 Click to expand... still 1.5.4 bro, 1.5.5 is update inside the game,