Caution with certain games


Platinian On Fire
Original poster
Dec 20, 2018
Been noticing more "18+" games lately. And I have nothing against that. It's awesome that modders are putting the 18+ in the title to indicate that it's not for youngsters. And I'm all for freedom of playing or posting whatever you want for games....with one recent exception I came across. If you come across a 18+ game with the term "Rape" in it what would be your thoughts? As a parent I'm concerned with it.

But this is an awesome community/site and I don't want blame or punishment to happen and I don't want anyone harrassed so please be respectful.

So with that said what do others think or feel about having a game with that in the title?


Jan 19, 2018
Alright, here's my take on this.

As one of the many on this site who's sharing those 18+ mods for those sweet sweet virtual likes my hand's not clean so take this with a bit of salt.

Yes, nowadays the mature games has wild titles, and only the concept of "18+" will entice some of the kids out of curiosity alone.
In my opinion both sides are to blame if some kid get their hands on inappropriate games. This site is one of the biggest modding community, or so i've been told, yet it doesn't have a way to track threads that you liked, or that you visited, only the threads that you commented on, but as you know, you only need to like the thread to gain access to the download link. And with the recent booming of 18+ games they still haven't made a sub-forum focused on 18+.
And that takes us to the parent's side, even with all of these added, a kid can still get their hands on inappropriate games if the parents didn't keep an eye on them, a hormone filled kid can go to great lengths to get what they want.

So i think the best thing to do at the moment is just keep an eye on your children, or you yourself do the browsing of the forum. With all the people in this community the staff can't filter all the stuff.

And yes i would be scarred if i saw my kids fiddling with a game that has "rape" in it, like i would be thinking "Where did i go wrong" and something along those lines.


Dec 6, 2018
Alright, here's my take on this.

As one of the many on this site who's sharing those 18+ mods for those sweet sweet virtual likes my hand's not clean so take this with a bit of salt.

Yes, nowadays the mature games has wild titles, and only the concept of "18+" will entice some of the kids out of curiosity alone.
In my opinion both sides are to blame if some kid get their hands on inappropriate games. This site is one of the biggest modding community, or so i've been told, yet it doesn't have a way to track threads that you liked, or that you visited, only the threads that you commented on, but as you know, you only need to like the thread to gain access to the download link. And with the recent booming of 18+ games they still haven't made a sub-forum focused on 18+.
And that takes us to the parent's side, even with all of these added, a kid can still get their hands on inappropriate games if the parents didn't keep an eye on them, a hormone filled kid can go to great lengths to get what they want.

So i think the best thing to do at the moment is just keep an eye on your children, or you yourself do the browsing of the forum. With all the people in this community the staff can't filter all the stuff.

And yes i would be scarred if i saw my kids fiddling with a game that has "rape" in it, like i would be thinking "Where did i go wrong" and something along those lines.
Now this is you should be smart people


Apr 3, 2019
I personally think that, as long as the plot is entirely fictitious, it's good to go. I also think that, since porn plots aren't known for its realism, then it's highly likely that putting "rape" in the title is to "clickbait" us all.

I obviously abhor rape/rapists. As long as those plots come from creative minds that put those crimes for plots, for storytelling purposes only, then go right ahead.
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