Tool Cheat Engine Advanced Tutorial: Disney Magic Kingdoms


Introduction: even if it's not exactly a modding tool, Cheat Engine is a great - and free - software that can help you find/edit/modify lots of things in a game. I've been using it for years and even if a lot of values are now 'server sided' and can't be changed, it is still possible to edit a lot of things in a game if you know what you're looking for and where to look.
If you don't have Cheat Engine, you can download it for free here (latest version is currently 7.6): Cheat Engine
PS: This is an advanced tutorial, so I will assume that you know at least the basics of the program. If you've never used it, there are lots of tutorials for beginners, so make sure to check them out first.

When I joined Platinmods a few years ago, I was actually looking for a mod for the game Disney Magic Kingdoms. Sadly there wasn't any, so I decided to see if I could do anything with Cheat Engine. It took me a lot of time, but after several months of (failed) attempts, I managed to edit ALMOST EVERYTHING in the game with this tool, so I've now decided to share it with you. If a modder wants to use the results of my findings to create a mod for the game, please go for it :)

IMPORTANT: The first thing to do after starting Cheat Engine is to select the RIGHT PROCESS. The process will be different if you're using the PC version of the game (available from Windows Store) or if you're using an emulator (Memu, LDPlayer, Bluestacks and so on).

So, launch the game, start Cheat Engine and click on the 'open process' icon


Click on the 'processes' tab, then scroll down until you find the right process, then select it and click on the 'Open' button.
* If you're using LDPlayer 9, the process is Ld9BoxHeadless.exe


* If you're using MEMU, the process is MEmuHeadless.exe

* If you're using the PC version from the Windows Store, the process is DMK_UWP_EntryPoint.exe

PS: If you're using another emulator, don't hesitate to ask if you're not sure which process you must select

VERY IMPORTANT: If you're very far in the game and aren't very confident about your 'cheating skills', I HIGHLY advice you to start another game from scratch. This way, you won't lose your main game in case something bad happen. I've been doing this in the game for several years now and never had any issues but you never know, so take your time to learn how to do things before trying this on your main account.

Last thing before we start: as you will see in this tutorial, a lot of searches are based on time/duration, so keep in mind that you will have to convert everything into SECONDS when making searches.

Some values that will be often used in searches are the following:

* 1 Hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds.
* 2 Hours = 120 minutes = 7200 seconds.
* 4 Hours = 240 minutes = 14400 seconds.
* 6 Hours = 360 minutes = 21600 seconds.
* 8 Hours = 480 minutes = 28800 seconds.
* 12 Hours = 720 minutes = 43200 seconds.
* 24 Hours = 1440 minutes = 86400 seconds.

You MAY have to look for other values, but those are the most used in the game.

After converting the time/duration into seconds, you will need to convert them into ARRAY OF BYTE. No need to panic, Cheat Engine can do that automatically for you. Just enter the value in the search field then change the 'value type' into array of byte.

Here are the same values converted into array of byte:

3600 (1 Hour) = 10 0E
7200 (2 Hours) = 20 1C
14400 (4 Hours) = 40 38
21600 (6 Hours) = 60 54
28800 (8 Hours) = 80 70
43200 (12 Hours)= C0 A8
86400 (24 Hours)= 80 51 01

That's it. Make sure to read everything and take some time to get yourself familiar with values in seconds and array of bytes. Once that's done, head to our first section: BUILDINGS.
Section 1: BUILDINGS

Buildings are very important in Disney Magic Kingdoms. They provide MAGIC and items to upgrade your characters. But since some of them can only be collected once every 12 hours or more, it may take a lot of time before you get enough magic and items. In this section, we will see how to change values so that buidings can be harvested indefinetely.

Let's start with one of the first building you will get in the game: Mickey's Fun Wheel.


This building can be harvested every hour. The base reward (when it's not upgraded) is 10 MAGIC and a chance to get Mickey Balloon token.


Note: if you need info about anything in the game, the place to go is Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki - it lists every characters/buildings/quests and so on in the game, so make sure to check it out.

If the building is ready to collect, just do so, then click on the building again and you will see something like this:


Since we don't want to wait another hour, close this window, then make the following search in Cheat Engine (remember to convert hours into seconds, then convert into ARRAY OF BYTE). So, in this case, 1 Hour = 3600 seconds. 3600 converted to Array of Byte is 10 0E.

Search for the following Array of byte: 10 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00


You should find a few dozen results. To identify the right one, look for bytes 9 and 10. You can skip all the ones with 00 00, so that should only leave you with a few ones. The one you need will be the one where the value of byte 9 is being increased by 1 every second (just watch the main window in Cheat Engine and once you see line where the byte is changing every second, just select it and copy it to your address list.


In your address list, right click on the address and select 'Browse this memory region' (or press CTRL + B)


Now change the first 2 Bytes to 01 00 (this way the timer will be 1 second instead of 1 Hour)


Close the memory viewer and if you've done everything correctly, you should now see this in your address list:


Go back to the game and the building should now be ready to collect again. So just do that and you can now click on it every 1 second to collect magic & items :)


Feel free to do that for your other buildings. Just remember to convert into seconds and then into array of bytes.

The same technique can also be used when placing new buildings. In this example, I've just bought the Astro Orbiters. The construction time is normally 6 Hours, but I don't want to wait, so I will use the same technique to skip the waiting time.


6 Hours = 21600 seconds, so let's convert this into Array of Byte then make the following search:

Array of byte: 60 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00


In this case, I only have a few results, so this will be easy. Just like in the previous example, check bytes 9 and 10 and locate the one who's being increased every 1 second, then copy it to your address list.


In your address list, right click on the address and select 'Browse this memory region' (or press CTRL + B), then change the first 2 bytes to 01 00


Close the memory viewer and you should see something like this in your address list


Go back to the game and if you've done everything right, the construction should be done (there should be a green arrow on top of the building)


Collect from the building and you can now use the same technique we did for Mickey's Fun Wheel above.


The Astro Orbiters can normally be collected every 6 Hours (21600 seconds), so let's convert 21600 into array of bytes and make the following search:

Array of byte: 60 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00


By now, you should know where to look, so look for bytes 9 and 10, locate the one being increased every 1 second, add it to your address list. Right click, browse to memory region and change the first 2 bytes to 01 00, then close memory viewer.


Go back to game and you can now harvest the building every second, just like the other ones :)


Please note that you can also use the same technique when upgrading characters. In this example, we're upgrading Woody to level 5. This normally would take 1 Hour, but again we don't want to wait :)


So convert 1 hour into seconds (3600) then search for the following array of byte: 10 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00


Look for byte 9 and 10, locate the one being increased every 1 second, add it to your address list. Right click, browse to memory region and change the first 2 bytes to 01 00, then close memory viewer. If you've done everything right, the upgrade should be complete :)


That's it for this section. You should now be able to build your attractions and collect from them immediately, as well as instantly upgrading your characters. It only takes a few seconds (once you're familiar with the process) and you'll be able to progress much faster in the game.

Our next section will be dedicated to CHARACTERS and QUESTS. We could use the same technique to complete all quests, but since this can be very time consuming, I will show you a much easier way to COMPLETE ALL QUESTS INSTANTLY.
Section 2: Characters & Quests

Now that we've covered the buildings and how to use them to quickly get magic & tokens, let's focus on characters and quests. Quests work the same way as buildings, so we could use the same technique described in section 1 to reduce the time BUT since there are tons of quests, this will quickly become very time consuming. The good news is that there is another way to complete quests that will only involve a few basic searches and after that you will be able to COMPLETE ALL QUESTS INSTANTLY :)

Just pick one character (in this case, I've selected Mickey Mouse, but it will be basically the same for all of them). Each character has a list of available quests. Each quest brings experience (the star icon) and magic (the blue bottle). Some quests also bring special items used to level up characters.
New quests will become available when you level up your characters, so make sure to do that to get better quests (current max level for all characters is 10).

As you will quickly notice, more than 90% of the quests duration are one of these: 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 4 Hours, 6 Hours, 8 Hours, 12 Hours and 24 Hours. What I will show you in this section is how to change those durations to make them all instant quests.


In the previous section, we were looking for Array of Byte, here we will be searching for DOUBLE VALUES.
So, let's start with the 1 Hour/60 Minutes quests. Just like before, let's convert this into seconds, so the value we're looking for will be 3600.
Since we only want the plain numbers, select DOUBLE as value type, then for the scan type select VALUE BETWEEN and look for the values between 3600 and 3600,0000000001 (as showned in the screenshot below).


IMPORTANT: TAKE YOUR TIME. After launching the first scan, DO NOT COPY the results directly to the address list. Just go back to the game, perform some actions then return to Cheat Engine and click on NEXT SCAN to refresh the results. Do this a few times until the list of found addresses doesn't change anymore. Then AND ONLY THEN copy the results to the address list (you should have around 170 results)


Select all the results in the address list, then right click, select CHANGE RECORD and then VALUE.


Then just type 0 instead of 3600. If you've done everything correctly, your screen should look like this:


Go back to the game, select any character and all the 1 Hour/60 Minutes quests should now appear as INSTANT.


Note: even if the quests are now INSTANT, some of them will still take a few seconds to complete if the character needs to go to a special building to complete it...but waiting a few seconds is better than waiting an hour, right? :)

Now that you know how to change the 1 Hour quests, let's do the same for the others.
For the 2 Hours quests (2 Hours = 7200 seconds), we will be looking for DOUBLE VALUES between 7200 and 7200,0000000001


Just process EXACTLY THE SAME WAY and REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR TIME, so refresh the results several times before adding them to the address list and changing the values.

The other values you will be looking for are:

* 4 Hours (14400 seconds): search for DOUBLE VALUES between 14400 and 14400,0000000001
* 6 Hours (21600 seconds): search for DOUBLE VALUES between 21600 and 21600,0000000001
* 8 Hours (28800 seconds): search for DOUBLE VALUES between 28800 and 28800,0000000001
* 12 Hours (43200 seconds): search for DOUBLE VALUES between 43200 and 43200,0000000001
* 24 Hours (86400 seconds): search for DOUBLE VALUES between 86400 and 86400,0000000001

Once that's done, go back to the game and more than 90% of ALL THE QUESTS will be completed INSTANTLY, so have fun and enjoy :)


IMPORTANT NOTE: When you welcome a new character or add a new building to your park, the game does an automatic data refresh. When this happens, the times will revert back to their original value, but don't worry :) Since we've added all the results to the address list, when this happens, all you have to do is go back to cheat engine, select all results and change the values to 0 again (no need to do all the searches again, the addresses will be the same as long as you don't restart the game).

That's it for quests. If you've followed this tutorial so far, you can now get as many magic as you want and complete all quests instantly. But as you will quickly find out, magic and quests aren't everything in this game and another crucial element are GEMS. You can get some by completing some special quests or collections, but as you will quickly notice you will never have enough to buy all those special chests and buildings. Well, that was until now because in our next section, I will show you how to GET INFINITE GEMS :)
Section 3: GEMS

: There are 4 kind of resources in the game. Before going any further, make sure to read this to avoid any mistakes later on.

1) The first resource is MAGIC, also known as SOFT CURRENCY. Magic is used to create Attractions, Welcome and level up Characters and Expand the Kingdom. You can earn Magic by completing activities and Quests, collecting from Buildings or Parades, finding Enchanted Chests, collecting Daily Rewards Calendar and more!

2) The second resource are GEMS, also known as HARD CURRENCY. Gems are used to purchase premium attractions, welcome premium characters, and speed up different activities in the Kingdom. You can earn Gems by collecting Kingdom and characters level-up rewards, collecting Daily Rewards Calendar, Parades, watching videos, finding them in Enchanted Chests, and a few other actions. You can also purchase them with real money in the currency shop.

3) The third resource are ELIXIRS, also known as MERLIN CURRENCY. Elixirs are used to purchase hard-to-get tokens in the Tokens Shop and unique attractions in the Building Shop. Elixirs can also be obtained from Mini Events or from Special Request Wishes.

4) The fourth resource are EVENT CURRENCY. Those event currency are available for a limited change and change with every event, with the exception of the Maleficent Coins, who are available in each Tower Challenge Event (4 events every year). They are obtained by collecting from quests and cursed attractions, which are then used to buy event exclusive items.

Get familiar with those 4 currencies, especially the first 2 (soft currency and hard currency) because they will be the main items in this section.

How to quickly increase your Gems


As you've probably noticed already, gems aren't increasing quickly in the game, but luckily for us I've found a way to GET TONS OF GEMS QUICKLY by swapping Soft Currency (Magic) with Hard Currency (Gems).

Before going any further, please note that this can be done both ways. You can either swap Magic with Gems OR swap Gems with Magic, but of course you can only do one at a time, so you must make a choice first:

* If you're not far in the game AND/OR don't have much magic, you should swap Magic with Gems. This way, each time you collect from a building or complete a quest, you will get GEMS instead of Magic.

* If you're an advanced player AND/OR have LOTS of Magic, you should swap Gems with Magic. This will allow you to buy special characters/buildings with Magic instead of Gems and also open those special chests who are normally available only for Gems (once you make the change, you will be able to open all these chests with Magic instead of Gems).

This choice is VERY IMPORTANT, so make sure to make the right choice before going any further. If you're not sure what do, my advice is to do the first option (swap Magic with Gems), collect enough Gems, then do the second option later on.

Last but not least, make sure to have some buildings ready to collect AND/OR quests set to instant, as described in the first 2 sections of this tutorial before making any changes. You don't have to do this for all quests, but make sure to do that for the long duration quests (12 Hours or more) because they will provide the biggest amount of resource.

Example 1: the task 'Check on RC Racers' for Woody will give you 300 magic each time you do it (so after the change described below this will give you 300 gems each time you do it)


Example 2: The task 'Do Some Conducting' for Mickey Mouse will give you 275 Magic each time, so 275 Gems each time after the change.



Now that you've set some buildings on instant collect and located some interesting tasks, go to Cheat Engine, set the Value Type to String and look for the following value (ALL UPPERCASE as showned in the screenshot below): SOFT_CURRENCY


You should find about 20 results. Just add them to your address list but DON'T MAKE ANY CHANGES NOW.
After that, start another search and look for the same string but ALL LOWERCASE, as showned in the screenshot below.


VERY IMPORTANT: The first search with give you LOTS OF RESULTS, but DON'T ADD THEM TO YOUR ADDRESS LIST yet (you should only have the results from the first search in uppercase). This is the most important part and the only thing you will need here is patience.
Just go back to the game, perform a few actions, then go back to Cheat Engine and click on NEXT SCAN to refresh the results (check the screenshot below, in my case the number of found elements went down from 17,166 to 16,372). Then go back to the game, perform a few more actions, then again perform the next scan to refresh the results.


I know that you all want to start collecting Gems directly, but it is really crucial to be patient here. Just keep going back to the game, perform actions and refresh the results until the number of items found doesn't change anymore. This may take up to 5 minutes and multiple refreshes, but you don't want to rush here. Rushing will only result in one thing: the game may crash and/or you may end up with 0 gems and/or magic.
When the items found stop changing, go to your address list and do the following change: replace all the SOFT_CURRENCY in uppercase with HARD_CURRENCY, also in uppercase.


Then add the items you've found (the second search in lowercase) to your address list, select them all and replace ALL the soft_currency in lowercase with hard_currency, also in lowercase (since there should be about 16,000 results this may take a few seconds, so again be patient).


Now go back to the game, cross your fingers and start collecting from your buildings AND/OR complete some quests. If everything goes well, you will now collect Gems instead of Magic. Please note that the quests may indicate 0 magic as reward, but don't worry that's normal.


I gave you the 'do some conducting' task as example above, so let's do this task. The previous reward was 275 magic, but now that we've made the change, it will give 275 gems instead. I had 7 gems before, so completing this quest should bring my gems to 282 (7 + 275). Let's do it....IT WORKED !!!! (check the screenshot below, my gems are now 282 wooohooo)


So now go ahead and collect from as many buildings as you want AND complete as many quests as you want (as long as they're instant of course). Just don't be greedy. The last thing you want is to draw attention on you and get banned because you have an insane amount of gems, so my advice would be to limit it to 10-30K. You can do this as many times as you want, so once you're out of gems, just perform this operation again. Just focus on collecting and doing quests, DO NOT BUILD ANYTHING or UPGRADE ANY CHARACTER (because they will consume gems instead of magic while the changes are active).

VERY IMPORTANT: Once you have collected enough GEMS, you must change the string values back to what they were before. If you forget this and leave the game before undoing the changes, you will more than likely lose all your gems and/or magic the next time you launch the game.
So go back to Cheat Engine, select all the HARD_CURRENCY in uppercase and change the value back to SOFT_CURRENCY, again all in uppercase.


Then select all the hard_currency in lowercase and change the values back to soft_currency, again all in lowercase.


As an extra precaution, collect again from any building AND/OR complete any task to make sure that you're collecting Magic again...and as you can see from the screenshot below, I've been very reasonable this time and only collected 10K Gems :)



Once you are very advanced in the game and have collected LOTS OF MAGIC (A million or more), you may want to try this second option. With this change, you will be able to buy any special character/building/chest with Magic instead of Gems.

It's basically the opposite as the first option. So you will need to look for HARD_CURRENCY in uppercase and hard_currency in lowercase, then replace the values with SOFT_CURRENCY in uppercase and soft_currency in lowercase. Buy all the characters/buildings/chests you want then and don't forget to undo all the changes before leaving the game.

I will expand this section with screenshots later on, but that's it for now. Enjoy :)

The next section will be dedicated to the items who are hard to get and/or cannot be bought with gems, especially TOKENS and BLUEPRINTS and I will show you how to get those easily.



Tokens are used to Welcome and level up Characters , and enchant Attractions in the Kingdom. You can acquire Tokens by completing activities or collecting them from your Attractions. Some are harder to get than others, based on their rarity. Tokens have 5 levels of rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic & Legendary. The drop rate is as follows:

Common (1 star) : drop rate 90%
Uncommon (2 stars) : drop rate 75%
Rare (3 stars) : drop rate 35%
Epic (4 stars) : drop rate 20%
Legendary (5 stars) : drop rate 10%

What this means is that even if you have your buildings and quests set to instant collect, it may take a while to get some items, especially the epic and legendary ones. So what I will show you in this section is how to swap items, in order to get ALL items at a drop rate of 90%.

In order to do that, we will replace some common items with the one(s) you're looking for. Here are a few examples of common items:


For a full list, check this page: Tokens



Blueprints are used to enchant/upgrade attractions. Higher enchantment tiers offer a boost to Magic produced, and allow Attractions to drops a bigger variety of Character Tokens. Certain enchantment tiers unlock special benefits, like the ability of an Attractions to drop two Character Tokens at one time!

Just like tokens, there are 5 categories of blueprints: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic & Legendary.

Common blueprints are used to enchant attractions to level 1.
Uncommon blueprints are used to enchant attractions to level 2.
Rare blueprints are used to enchant attractions to level 3.
Epic blueprints are used to enchant attractions to level 4.
Legendary blueprints are used to enchant attractions to level 5.


Before going any further, you need to understand this: every token, blueprint, relic and so on can be found in Cheat Engine by making a search on the STRING value. Once you've found the string value you're looking for, you can ONLY REPLACE IT with a string value of the SAME LENGTH.

So what you must do is this:

* Decide which token/blueprint/relic you want to get.
* Find the string value for that particular item (TARGET ITEM).
* Find the string value of a common item with the SAME string length (SOURCE ITEM).
* Swap the string value of the SOURCE ITEM with the TARGET ITEM in Cheat Engine.
* Collect the TARGET ITEM from the building/quest as many times as needed.
* Undo changes once you're done collecting.

To help you finding items, don't forget to check the Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki Fandom, it is really a fantastic source: Disney Magic Kingdoms Wiki

In this example, we will use one of the most Common Item in the game: Mickey Balloon.


This common token can be obtained from various sources, including the following buildings: Mickey's Fun Wheel, Steamboat Willie and Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress (just please note that for the latest, the building must be at enchantment level 1).


Before making any changes and in order to make things easier, it's always a good idea to place the buildings next to each other, so you can collect from all of them without having to scroll in your park. Also, make sure that those buildings are available for instant collect (as described above in section 1) before going any further.


Now, start Cheat Engine and look for the following STRING value: mickey_balloon (all in lowercase)


You will find about 200 results, but DON'T ADD THEM DIRECTLY to your address list. As usual, you MUST BE PATIENT, so go back to the game, perform a few actions and then make the next scan to refresh the list. Do this a few times until the list of addresses found doesn't change anymore, then copy the results to your address list.


Once that's done, you can now replace the results with the TARGET item you're looking for. Just remember that the STRING VALUE of this item MUST HAVE THE SAME LENGTH as the SOURCE ITEM (14 in this case). Luckily for us, some of the Rare/Epic items we need have exactly the same length, such as Rare Blueprint (blueprint_rare) and Epic Blueprint (blueprint_epic).
Let's start with the first one (blueprint_rare). Select all results in your address list and CHANGE them with the following String value: blueprint_rare


Now go back to your game and if you click on the buildings listed above, you will see that the reward has been changed from Mickey Balloon to Rare Blueprint, so collect as much as you need :)


Now that you've identified the string values that need to be changed, you can of course change them again to collect other items, for example the Epic Blueprint who also have the same length (14). Just go back to cheat engine, select the addresses in your list and change the value to blueprint_epic (all in lowercase).


Go back to the game and if you click on the buildings, you will see that the reward has changed again, this time to Epic Blueprint, so go ahead and collect those :)


Repeat the same operation as many times as you want, just remember to replace the TARGET item with a string value of the same length.
Once you have everything you need, don't forget to go back to Cheat Engine and replace the results with the original value (mickey_balloon in this case).


Also, it is always a good idea to collect once more from the building(s) to avoid any issues after restarting the game, so make sure to do that as well :)

That's it for now. Obviously I can't list every item (there are thousands of them), but if you're looking for an item in particular, don't hesitate to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to help you :)
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