Help! Class without update and usage


I need to change the damage and selfdamage fields in these classes, but they are not mentioned anywhere, so I can’t change them in any way, I will be glad for any help with this, I will attach the classes and dump below.

public class SingleBulletShooter : HitShooter // TypeDefIndex: 3199
    // Fields
    private ObscuredInt damage; // 0x10
    private ObscuredInt selfDamage; // 0x24
    private ObscuredFloat range; // 0x38

    // Properties
    public override float Range { get; }

    // Methods

    // RVA: 0x6173A0 Offset: 0x6173A0 VA: 0x6173A0 Slot: 6
    public override float get_Range() { }

    // RVA: 0x617440 Offset: 0x617440 VA: 0x617440 Slot: 7
    public override void Shoot(Ray shootRay) { }

    // RVA: 0x617DF4 Offset: 0x617DF4 VA: 0x617DF4
    public void .ctor() { }

// Namespace:
public class SpreadBulletsShooter : HitShooter // TypeDefIndex: 3200
    // Fields
    private ObscuredInt damage; // 0x10
    private ObscuredInt selfDamage; // 0x24
    private ObscuredFloat range; // 0x38
    private ObscuredInt bullets; // 0x50
    private ObscuredFloat spread; // 0x64

    // Properties
    public override float Range { get; }

    // Methods

    // RVA: 0x617F4C Offset: 0x617F4C VA: 0x617F4C Slot: 6
    public override float get_Range() { }

    // RVA: 0x617FEC Offset: 0x617FEC VA: 0x617FEC Slot: 7
    public override void Shoot(Ray shootRay) { }

    // RVA: 0x618E0C Offset: 0x618E0C VA: 0x618E0C
    private void FillSpreadBullets(Ray shootRay, List<Ray> bullets, int count) { }

    // RVA: 0x61905C Offset: 0x61905C VA: 0x61905C
    public void .ctor() { }
Hook them to get_Range() function. Use it as if it were Update() like this...

float (*old_SingleBulletShooter_Range)(void *instance);
float SingleBulletShooter_Range(void *instance) {
    if(instance!=nullptr) {
        if(OneHitKill) {
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x10, 9999);    // damage
        } else {
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x10, 5);       // damage
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x24, 5);       // selfDamage
    return old_SingleBulletShooter_Range(instance);

float (*old_SpreadBulletsShooter_Range)(void *instance);
float SpreadBulletsShooter_Range(void *instance) {
    if(instance!=nullptr) {
        if(OneHitKill) {
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x10, 9999);      // damage
        } else {
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x10, 5);         // damage
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x24, 5);         //selfDamage
    return old_SpreadBulletsShooter_Range(instance);

Change the values as you wish
Hook them to get_Range() function. Use it as if it were Update() like this...

float (*old_SingleBulletShooter_Range)(void *instance);
float SingleBulletShooter_Range(void *instance) {
    if(instance!=nullptr) {
        if(OneHitKill) {
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x10, 9999);    // damage
        } else {
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x10, 5);       // damage
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x24, 5);       // selfDamage
    return old_SingleBulletShooter_Range(instance);

float (*old_SpreadBulletsShooter_Range)(void *instance);
float SpreadBulletsShooter_Range(void *instance) {
    if(instance!=nullptr) {
        if(OneHitKill) {
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x10, 9999);      // damage
        } else {
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x10, 5);         // damage
            SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance + 0x24, 5);         //selfDamage
    return old_SpreadBulletsShooter_Range(instance);

Change the values as you wish
Oh, thank you very much, it was very helpful!

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