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Complex Number Calculator - Apps on Google Play
Scientific Complex Number Calculator : perform all operations & functions, polar
This scientific complex number calculator, complex matrix calculator, a fully functional scientific calculator for performing calculations on real, imaginary and, in general, complex numbers and matrix expressions. Also for solving systems of linear equations by performing Gauss-Jordan eliminations on augmented matrices.
You can use all standard mathematical functions & operations and many more:
• Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, parallel summation
• Power, exponential & logarithmic functions
• Trigonometric functions and their Inverses
• Hyperbolic functions and their Inverses
• Gamma function, Γ
• Psi function, Ψ
• Zeta function, ζ
Matrices & linear Systems
• Perform matrix algebra.
• Accepts any size matrix
• Determinant, inverse, rank, adjugate, reduced row echelon form, triangular forms
• Augmented matrix
• Solve linear systems
• Shows work.
With its unique and intuitive user interface, this scientific/complex number calculator computes mathematical expressions containing complex numbers in standard (rectangular) a+bi and polar (phasor) r∠(θ) forms and optionally converts the results to rectangular (standard), polar and other modular forms.
(long press i or ∠ to see all forms of the calculated result).
Scientific/Complex number calculations can be performed in RAD (radians) or DEG (degrees) mode.
The results can be displayed with fixed, scientific and engineering notations.
Other Features
• You can also enter functions f(x) or parametric equations p(t) and generate table of values.
Perform statistical analysis on one or two-dimensional real-valued data (you can also use expressions of complex numbers for data as long as they evaluate to real numbers):
• x1, x2, …
• x1, y1; x2, y2; …
Press Σ to do the calculations.
• Calculate combinations C(n, r) and permutations P(n, r).
• Scientific constants.
• Unit converter (Mass, Length, Velocity, ...)
This scientific calculator / complex number calculator / complex matrix calculator contains comprehensive built-in instructions.
You can use all standard mathematical functions & operations and many more:
• Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, parallel summation
• Power, exponential & logarithmic functions
• Trigonometric functions and their Inverses
• Hyperbolic functions and their Inverses
• Gamma function, Γ
• Psi function, Ψ
• Zeta function, ζ
Matrices & linear Systems
• Perform matrix algebra.
• Accepts any size matrix
• Determinant, inverse, rank, adjugate, reduced row echelon form, triangular forms
• Augmented matrix
• Solve linear systems
• Shows work.
With its unique and intuitive user interface, this scientific/complex number calculator computes mathematical expressions containing complex numbers in standard (rectangular) a+bi and polar (phasor) r∠(θ) forms and optionally converts the results to rectangular (standard), polar and other modular forms.
(long press i or ∠ to see all forms of the calculated result).
Scientific/Complex number calculations can be performed in RAD (radians) or DEG (degrees) mode.
The results can be displayed with fixed, scientific and engineering notations.
Other Features
• You can also enter functions f(x) or parametric equations p(t) and generate table of values.
Perform statistical analysis on one or two-dimensional real-valued data (you can also use expressions of complex numbers for data as long as they evaluate to real numbers):
• x1, x2, …
• x1, y1; x2, y2; …
Press Σ to do the calculations.
• Calculate combinations C(n, r) and permutations P(n, r).
• Scientific constants.
• Unit converter (Mass, Length, Velocity, ...)
This scientific calculator / complex number calculator / complex matrix calculator contains comprehensive built-in instructions.
*Special Features*
● Supported Languages: af, am, ar, as, az, be, bg, bn, bs, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IN, en-XC, es, es-419, es-US, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, fr-CA, gl, gu, hi, hr, hu, hy, in, is, it, iw, ja, ka, kk, km, kn, ko, ky, lo, lt, lv, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, my, nb, ne, nl, or, pa, pl, pt, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sq, sr, sr-Latn, sv, sw, ta, te, th, tl, tr, uk, ur, uz, vi, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW, zu;
● Supported Cpu Architecture: None;
● Supported Screen Dpi: Mdpi, Hdpi, Xhdpi, Xxhdpi, Xxxhdpi, Anydpi.
● Untouch Paid Apk With Original Hash Signature.
● Certificate MD5 Digest: 3419a6a77980ccb2421c430ee1742603.
.Apks Bundle Installation:
SAI Instructions: [No Root]
1. Download And Install Latest SAI App (Split APK Installer) - Releases · Aefyr/SAI
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Lucky Patcher Instructions: [No Root]
1. Download And Install Latest Lucky Patcher App;
2. Install And Open Lucky Patcher And Choose 'Rebuild & Install';
3. Find And Select Downloaded This .apks Archive App;
4. Wait For Install And Done. Enjoy!.
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Credit: TryRoom
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