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Help! cooldown timer


Solid & Active Platinian
// Token: 0x06006FE5 RID: 28645 RVA: 0x00024690 File Offset: 0x00022890
[Token(Token = "0x6006FE5")]
[Address(RVA = "0x125C774", Offset = "0x125C774", VA = "0x125C774")]
public long GetWarriorRemainingCooldown(long currentTime, int heroIndex)
return 0L;

// Token: 0x0600531E RID: 21278 RVA: 0x0001D478 File Offset: 0x0001B678
[Token(Token = "0x600531E")]
[Address(RVA = "0x14AF554", Offset = "0x14AF554", VA = "0x14AF554")]
private long WarriorCooldownTimer(long currentTime, int heroIndex)
return 0L;

hello how do I remove this cooldown from the game what character waits 4 hours for me to be able to use those again what would be the int value to activate and deactivate the return 0L