Solved Copy the mod menu?

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is it possible to copy the mod menu of a Game to a Same Game but different server?

the game named Hunter of Darkness (Bleach) and Seele Erwecken(Bleach) Is modded in this site and im thinking maybe its possible to copy its mod menu to False Face Awakening (Bleach) (Not Modded ) since they're just the same game but different server.
it wont work becuse the person that modded the game may have inject other stuff and by just coping the menu to a other game will not make the menu load or evin corrupting the game also some function will not be available
If it's unprotected mod you can just grab it, decompile it, compare to oginal apk and implement the same stuff in other server apk
This is called leeching anyway it isn't easy becouse mod menu is in a lib file so it can't compare with original apk and copying the lib from original apk probably won't work bcs the address can be differrent
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