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Solved .ctor offset

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Awesome Active Platinian
// Namespace: Empire
public class FirstBattleData // TypeDefIndex: 9656
// Fields
public int firstBattleVictoryCount; // 0x10
public int firstBattleLimitScore; // 0x14
public string firstBattleVictoryBoxId; // 0x18

// Methods

// RVA: 0x1EB451C Offset: 0x1EB451C VA: 0x1EB451C
public void .ctor() { }

We have these field offsets with no updates or any other offsets except this
.ctor offset... Could it by used us update Offset as I don't know what is the use of it?
Of course, I don’t really understand why, but I saw a topic about what you’re saying, try to find it, unfortunately I can’t find it, but it said that in rare cases it might work.
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