Open Request DOFUS Touch: World of Twelve



Game Name: DOFUS Touch: World of Twelve

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Unlimited money
  • Drop multiplier
  • Damage multiplier
  • Anything possible
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> I've tried GameGuardian but weren't successful with it
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видимо ломать это будут не в этой жизни, более 10 лет игрушке и только французкие ботинки в пк версии бегают
Everything is server sided for this game.
Could we get emulator support instead? They have been banning people who use them.
Can we have a bypass mod for this purpose ?
Playing with emulator is a huge advantage.

I'm available for testing if needed
Thanks PM team

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