Help! Dominations asia hack

Learn how to mod and watch tutorials and read tutorials we have a bunch on the site as no one is going to post the script. You will need to take initiative and put in effort in learning how to mod.

Have you tried learning how to mod?
Have you followed tutorials on modding theres a bunch on the site?
If you want to learn how to mod i advise to learn modding an easier not so popular game as Domination is not easy to mod.
hello yes I already know how to mod but I don't know how to mod online games yet and I wanted to start with dominations since it's a game I like
Learn how to mod and watch tutorials and read tutorials we have a bunch on the site as no one is going to post the script. You will need to take initiative and put in effort in learning how to mod.

Have you tried learning how to mod?
Have you followed tutorials on modding theres a bunch on the site?
If you want to learn how to mod i advise to learn modding an easier not so popular game as Domination is not easy to mod.
hello yes I already know how to mod online games but I don't know how to mod yet and I wanted to start with dominations since it's a game I like and I can't find tutorials on the form on how to mod an online game
Bro you need to first take it's source code and for source code you need to decompile this apk and then you able to see source files but still you need to a tool which can convert that smali files to Java files then by seeing the code you can be able to make changes in games ...I also tried it but failed ...I can hack easy games but domination is very hard to understand...I agree with your points where you said we need guidance to mod this game...
thats why Domination is Vip it is not an easy game to mod. The forum has all the basic tutorials needed to start to mod. Online and offline games even the tools are listed. As not only are you trying to mod the game but would have to deal with the games security as well .
Dominations is piss easy to mod compared to a couple of years ago. LD9 has root mod settings in menu, Platinmod license placer app and injector app. Couldn’t be more straightforward.. no lucky patcher of X-plore to learn like old days + LD9 more stable than the 3.97 days.
Dominations is piss easy to mod compared to a couple of years ago. LD9 has root mod settings in menu, Platinmod license placer app and injector app. Couldn’t be more straightforward.. no lucky patcher of X-plore to learn like old days + LD9 more stable than the 3.97 days.
not that easy bro, we had much efforts to make eVIP app undetected, its not impossible but hard to detect, the license placer would be easy to detect yeah, but seems like they didn't care because you only need the license placer to put the license, after that you can remove the app if you want. Therefore it makes sense to not care about it, it would be wasted time.

Agree that LD9 is amazing tho ^_^
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