Awesome Active Platinian
hey guys can someone help me on modding a game
i got this game but its encrypted but so far i succed
what i have to edit to make the line add enemy damage
Screenshot - 028e7ecab77bf5aaa97cbd3a7af02535 - Gyazo
what im lokking to do is this
i got this game but its encrypted but so far i succed
what i have to edit to make the line add enemy damage
Screenshot - 028e7ecab77bf5aaa97cbd3a7af02535 - Gyazo
what im lokking to do is this
private void DeductHealth(int ^]`]``[^`^^^`^^`]^^``]`, int ^]][[[^^`[]]]`]]`^`[][[, int ]``^^^]^`^`][^]^`^^[][], int ]`^]``][^`[`]^[`^`]]][^, int ]^`^[][^^][]`^]`^[^]`][)
if (!this.][^^]```[`[]^[[```[[]`^.networked)
this.enemyHealth -= ^]`]``[^`^^^`^^`]^^``]` + 99999; // add 99999 to damage in CIL
if (this.enemyHealth <= 0)