C cloudleon Rookie Today at 6:25 AM #223 anyone here use emulator ldplayer? mod is installed and appear but the cheat not working, max attack and defend but still normal damage
anyone here use emulator ldplayer? mod is installed and appear but the cheat not working, max attack and defend but still normal damage
E ekeksubret Platinian Today at 8:27 AM #225 Somehow today SE update the from 2.7.0 patch to Version 2.7.10 2.7.0 working fine but on 2.7.10 menu appear but multuplier damage or defense not work if you avaliable bro Yaskashije it will be great if you can update it again thanks for your hardwork
Somehow today SE update the from 2.7.0 patch to Version 2.7.10 2.7.0 working fine but on 2.7.10 menu appear but multuplier damage or defense not work if you avaliable bro Yaskashije it will be great if you can update it again thanks for your hardwork