Playstore Link: FINAL FANTASY最終幻想:覺醒 - Google Play
Game Name: FINAL FANTASY最終幻想:覺醒
Game Version: 1.17.3
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No
SQUARE ENIX正版授權,《FINAL FANTASY》最終幻想唯一動作手遊,傳承原作世界觀和經典劇情,重回宿命輪迴的起點,重現軍神、莫古力、魔導機甲等經典角色,憑藉豐富的CG推動劇情發展,用戰鬥帶來精彩遊戲體驗,並收錄FINAL FANTASY XV召喚獸,打造出一部水晶故事的恢弘史詩!
故事起源於名為「奧利恩斯」(Orience)的世界,被劃分為四個「水晶國家」(Crystal State),各國管有一顆四象水晶並以其對應靈獸作為國徽,分別為朱雀、白虎、蒼龍、玄武。各國設有學院研究和保護水晶。四顆水晶均能挑選其國民作為僕役「路希」(l'Cie),對他們烙上烙印並賦予一項「使命」(Focus),路希因而獲得較長的壽命和可在完成使命後成為水晶,但也會隨著時間失去記憶與自我。水晶亦會使國民失去對死者的記憶,使他們不被遺憾牽絆。
奧利恩斯流傳著一項傳說:世界將被災難「終焉」(Tempus Finis)毀滅,唯有救世主「覺醒者」(Agito)能拯救世界。
重現《FINAL FANTASY》零式家用主機操作方式,於手機上流暢操作閃躲、攻擊、走位等動作遊戲要素!
——全CG電影手遊 沉浸式劇情體驗
——靈魂の羈絆 招募「奧利恩斯」全英雄陣容
——軍神降臨 召喚終極奧義
——FINAL FANTASY XV代冰神的裁決《真•女神希瓦》登場
加入《FINAL FANTASY XV》召喚獸,冰系召喚獸希瓦首次降臨,FINAL FANTASY召喚獸將陸續登場。
——神器系統夢幻降臨 光耀奧利恩斯
——巔峰王座跨服PK 9V9同屏激戰
——王者爭霸 跨服公會戰火熱開啟
——全程日文配音 重現FINAL FANTASY覺醒的世界
共30位日語聲優,1100句日文配音,感受原汁原味的FINAL FANTASY。
故事起源於名為「奧利恩斯」(Orience)的世界,被劃分為四個「水晶國家」(Crystal State),各國管有一顆四象水晶並以其對應靈獸作為國徽,分別為朱雀、白虎、蒼龍、玄武。各國設有學院研究和保護水晶。四顆水晶均能挑選其國民作為僕役「路希」(l'Cie),對他們烙上烙印並賦予一項「使命」(Focus),路希因而獲得較長的壽命和可在完成使命後成為水晶,但也會隨著時間失去記憶與自我。水晶亦會使國民失去對死者的記憶,使他們不被遺憾牽絆。
奧利恩斯流傳著一項傳說:世界將被災難「終焉」(Tempus Finis)毀滅,唯有救世主「覺醒者」(Agito)能拯救世界。
重現《FINAL FANTASY》零式家用主機操作方式,於手機上流暢操作閃躲、攻擊、走位等動作遊戲要素!
——全CG電影手遊 沉浸式劇情體驗
——靈魂の羈絆 招募「奧利恩斯」全英雄陣容
——軍神降臨 召喚終極奧義
——FINAL FANTASY XV代冰神的裁決《真•女神希瓦》登場
加入《FINAL FANTASY XV》召喚獸,冰系召喚獸希瓦首次降臨,FINAL FANTASY召喚獸將陸續登場。
——神器系統夢幻降臨 光耀奧利恩斯
——巔峰王座跨服PK 9V9同屏激戰
——王者爭霸 跨服公會戰火熱開啟
——全程日文配音 重現FINAL FANTASY覺醒的世界
共30位日語聲優,1100句日文配音,感受原汁原味的FINAL FANTASY。
GAME Preview:
*MOD features*
2. Attack Multiply (Multiply your attack by any amount between 1 and 1000)
3. God Mode
4. Always Miss
5. Always Critical Hit
6. Max Attack Speed
7. No Skill Cooldown
8. Instant Rage Fill
9. Weak Enemies
10. Kill All Enemies*
11. SET VIP (Set your VIP Level to any value between 1 and 20)
*Kill All Enemies is risky, use with moderation.
*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*
Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.
1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.
Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.
- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible on signed APKs as they require Google services similar to the Google login process.
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.
1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.
Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.
- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible on signed APKs as they require Google services similar to the Google login process.
Unsigned APKs do only work on rooted and patched devices/environments.
These are not always provided by the mod publisher as they do only work under certain circumstances.
1.) Your device must be rooted.
2.) Your device must be patched to ignore app signatures. This can be done with the help of tools such as Luckypatcher or Xposed.
Once you fill that requirements the process is the same as with signed APKs with the difference that you can overwrite the original game/app with the MOD APK without removing it first.
1.) Download the unsigned MOD APK.
2.) Install the unsigned MOD APK.
3.) Enjoy.
For the case the unsigned APK does fail to install: Your device patch is not done correctly!
Google login possible? Yes.
Facebook login possible? Yes. Even with Facebook App installed.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.
You are rooted and want to know how to patch your device? Please click here for more information.
These are not always provided by the mod publisher as they do only work under certain circumstances.
1.) Your device must be rooted.
2.) Your device must be patched to ignore app signatures. This can be done with the help of tools such as Luckypatcher or Xposed.
Once you fill that requirements the process is the same as with signed APKs with the difference that you can overwrite the original game/app with the MOD APK without removing it first.
1.) Download the unsigned MOD APK.
2.) Install the unsigned MOD APK.
3.) Enjoy.
For the case the unsigned APK does fail to install: Your device patch is not done correctly!
Google login possible? Yes.
Facebook login possible? Yes. Even with Facebook App installed.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.
You are rooted and want to know how to patch your device? Please click here for more information.
OBB files are not required by every game/app. If necessary, the mod publisher will usually provide them and tell you that they are needed.
1.) Download the OBB file/files.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Move the OBB files with the help of a filemanager to Android/obb/<packagecode> on your device.
4.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
5.) Enjoy.
The OBB files are either provided as ".obb" files or as ".zip" files. ZIP files do require to be extracted first.
Still facing issues? Please click here for more details.
1.) Download the OBB file/files.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Move the OBB files with the help of a filemanager to Android/obb/<packagecode> on your device.
4.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
5.) Enjoy.
The OBB files are either provided as ".obb" files or as ".zip" files. ZIP files do require to be extracted first.
Still facing issues? Please click here for more details.
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