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Outdated Final Fate TD Ver. 18.0 MOD MENU APK | Damage Multiplier (x1 - x10000) |

Force close with obb from play store,apkcombo and apkpure
Force close all the way
just download obb file only and follow the instruction.
Or, Here's mine;
download modded apk > open it, it will forced close but create obb file folder >download obb only (playstore wont work since it will deletes obb automatically once you open the game) > copy paste downloaded obb to obb file folder.
Maybe modify the damage for the other type of combat? Dmg multiplier only applies to the story since it's the only one using tower defense mechanics. Most other combats regard your characters playing 1v1with a boss.
I got it, here is your step if you still cant login : download and install apk but DO NOT open it > download and put obb file to obb folder > open the apk. My device unpacking the obb file right after i open apk for the first time, but if you download mod apk here ur device cant unpacking the obb since u already open it so u have to put obb file before u open the apk.
Good luck.
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final fate td final fate td apk final fate td cheat final fate td hack final fate td mod mika cybertron mika cybertron mod mika cybertron pmt mikacybertron

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