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Help! Finding an Instance from a function


Solid & Active Platinian
I have a problem to find an instance for my need.

What do i want. Let me explain it by a example.

I have for example 100 items in the world, imagine 100 boxes laying around on the gras, and i can loop through these boxes by LIST<itemBox>.
But to see whats inside these boxes i need to press a button (function OpenBox()), this button would then open a menu of the box and would show me the items.
The problem here is, i dont want to open the window, of the box menu, i just wanna know whats inside, by pressing the button or calling this function i would open 100 windows.

So i hope you understand the problem i have, and i would like to know how can i get the instance of OpenBox() for the item to finally see whats inside.

*this scenario is just a imagination of my problem. and i know it can be hard to understand the problem without actual code.

Thanks again for reading and trying to help.