Open Request Fun Run 4 - Multiplayer Games



Game Name: Fun Run 4 - Multiplayer Games

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Unlimited Bolts
  • Unlimited Coins
  • Unlimited Gems
  • Free purchase
  • God mode
  • Unlimited jumps
  • No ability cooldown
  • Unlimited Powerups
  • All Powerups
  • Animals Unlocked
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> I've tried LuckyPatcher but it didn't work
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For the Unlock All the Icons and Cosmetics, I modified the configuration file and made everything preOwned: "true" and that works. The icons can be seen only by friend in the lobby/party but not in game. The Cosmetics can be equipped only for showcase, but you cannot actually equip it.
For the Unlock All the Icons and Cosmetics, I modified the configuration file and made everything preOwned: "true" and that works. The icons can be seen only by friend in the lobby/party but not in game. The Cosmetics can be equipped only for showcase, but you cannot actually equip it.
I actually got deep into it as far as mining but not anything related to offsets. I found a hash key which I decrypted but I encountered another hash key. Both hash key type is SHA1 but I didn't keep decrypting it. Also, I simply got some images, animations and some more. But that's most of it as for data mining. If they could create a mod APK for this it would still be great.

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