Help! GameGuardian Value Changes


So now, in the game, there's a distance. Every time the vehicle moves 0.1km is registered. I tried DWord, I found the value and edited it to 9999. Later on the counter, nothing changed. But the value still seems changed on GameGuardian dashboard. I froze the game while doing that because value changes every second. Now I want to multiply the distance or edit the distance already added. I tried fuzzy search and others but in all nothing worked. Btw it may say on screen 11.4 however on DWord that value is 114 there's no comma or dot. So how do I hack this distance?

Game: Loner Loner (Removed from Google Play, I provided APK Pure link.)
What's my actual aim?: To unlock the full story. That only happens if you go enough distance. (Chapters getting unlocked)
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