I'm trying to get the values of this field using frida-il2cpp-bridge
and this is my code
but there's no Il2Cpp.Dictionary so how to get those values?
// GameManager
// Token: 0x0400023C RID: 572
[Token(Token = "0x400023C")]
[FieldOffset(Offset = "0x98")]
private Dictionary<int, string> adjustConversationLevels;
It's System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.String]
and this is my code
let unityframework = Il2Cpp.domain.assembly("Assembly-CSharp");
const GameManager = unityframework.image.class("GameManager");
let adjustConversationLevels = GameManager.field("adjustConversationLevels");
let OpenLevel = GameManager.method("OpenLevel");
OpenLevel.implementation = function (this: any, level: any) {
//trying to call adjustConversationLevels from here
this.method(OpenLevel.name, 1).invoke(level);
but there's no Il2Cpp.Dictionary so how to get those values?