Yo do u have any tips on becomming a modder? Im new and i dont even know where to start.. can u give me some tips what i can do as a beginner?Special instructions for signed login:
- Install Original APK
- Login to your google account
- Android 13: Use system file manager (the one pre-installed on your smartphone)
- Go to android/data -> rename the original package name -> "yourpackagename" to "yourpackagenamexx" [just add "xx" to the package name]
- Uninstall the APK
- Go back to android/data -> rename the original package name again -> "yourpackagenamexx" to "yourpackagename" [just remove the "xx" added]
- Install Mod APK
- Login to Mod APK
- Enjoy!
Yo do u have any tips on becomming a modder? Im new and i dont even know where to start.. can u give me some tips what i can do as a beginner?
AlrStart with the tutorials from this website.
Is there any video tutorials on this website? Im kinda knew to using it and if yes can u send me those beginner threads or videos? ThanksStart with the tutorials from this website.
Is there any video tutorials on this website? Im kinda knew to using it and if yes can u send me those beginner threads or videos? Thanks
List of all Platinmods Modding Tutorials Before you start reading, you should be aware that tutorials contain only a tiny amount of the work behind modding games, and they usually showcase specific cases that are not 100% replicable on the situations you may find yourself in. Said in other...platinmods.com
İmzalı giriş için özel talimatlar:
- Orijinal APK'yı yükleyin
- Google hesabınıza giriş yapın
- Android 13: Sistem dosya yöneticisini kullanın (akıllı telefonunuza önceden yüklenmiş olan)
- Android/data'ya gidin -> orijinal paket adını -> "yourpackagename"i "yourpackagenamexx" olarak yeniden adlandırın [paket adına sadece "xx" ekleyin]
- APK'yi kaldırın
- Android/data'ya geri dönün -> orijinal paket adını tekrar değiştirin -> "yourpackagenamexx"i "yourpackagename" olarak değiştirin [sadece eklenen "xx"i kaldırın]
- Mod APK'yı yükleyin
- Mod APK'ya giriş yapın
- Eğlence!
How to android 14 ?Special instructions for signed login:
- Install Original APK
- Login to your google account
- Android 13: Use system file manager (the one pre-installed on your smartphone)
- Go to android/data -> rename the original package name -> "yourpackagename" to "yourpackagenamexx" [just add "xx" to the package name]
- Uninstall the APK
- Go back to android/data -> rename the original package name again -> "yourpackagenamexx" to "yourpackagename" [just remove the "xx" added]
- Install Mod APK
- Login to Mod APK
- Enjoy!
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