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Open Request Grim wanderings 2: RPG



Game Name: Grim wanderings 2: RPG

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Unlimited Resources (Gold, Food, Etc.)
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> Game Guardian, but I can't find resources value
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What if for non rooted user?
Any solution?
Or can I contact you through telegram?
Sorry bro, I only know a little English. I just signed up for telegram, I don't know much about telegram, I'd love to talk to you about modifying game data, my telegram username is NNNFQS.
What if for non rooted user?
Any solution?
Or can I contact you through telegram?
grim wanderings
Modifying this game requires vmos (other mobile virtual machine software is also available) and MT file manager, and does not require the original mobile phone root. The general mobile phone virtual machine software ROM will have its own root, which is enough. After installing the MT manager in the virtual machine, give it root permission to read the root of the mobile phone storage. The reading path is /data/user/0/com. vulxhisers.grimwanderings2/files/saves/0/ Then you can modify the game data, resources and character experience are easy to modify, and determine where the character data is by modifying the character points (there are many characters in the file, and the character points in the mall are all 0, the character created by yourself will have points attached, for example, creating an elf archer will attach points 4), search for availablePAPoints, and then modify the data of that piece.
Thanks a lot Bro, I appreciate it

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