千丨ㄥ丨卩乇 (*_*)
I Have To Get Staff
Base features:
* Shows your current location in easting/northing (UTM) or in lat/lon.
* Shows your speed, direction of travel, and total distance travelled in either metric or imperial/US units.
* Can store your current location as a waypoint, and can store a tack log to show where you’ve been.
* Waypoints and track logs can be imported from and exported to Google Earth KML and GPX files.
* Allows manual entry of waypoints in UTM or lat/lon coords.
* Can guide you to a waypoint with the “Goto” screen using true or compass bearings.
* Optional audible proximity alarm on goto page.
* Has a magnetic compass page (on devices with mag sensors only).
* Computes the local magnetic declination at startup using the IGRF-12 model, for use on the goto page.
* Can display either a simple map of your current location and the stored waypoints, or a Google Map if a data connection is available.
* Supports the world-wide WGS84 datum along with the Australian datums and map grids AGD66, AGD84, GDA94, AGD, GDA, AMG, and MGA. (You can also use WGS84 for NAD83 maps).
* Shows satellite locations and signal strengths graphically.
* Can display simple 6 or 8 digit grid refs, or MGRS grid refs.
* Waypoint-to-waypoint distance and direction.
* Has online help pages.
* Thoroughly tested by the developer on bushwalks.
*Special Features*
1. PAID app
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