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Another story: I read from the facebook group that someone reported another house because the points were 15000++ and JC replied saying they found 10 cheaters in that house and all of them got banned. This proves that JC will still check all the players in the reported house. This has taught me a valuable lesson that I will not be participating in full marks and house pride events again in the future.

And I am very grateful that my main account is still safe. And with brilliant bargains a few days ago that sold pages using gems, I'm even more grateful that I don't need any rewards from full marks and house pride events anymore. I've got all the pet skins and all creatures. I will buy outfits from brilliant bargains again, if they sell outfits again.

And for mod users here, use this mod VERY WISELY!!!
Because if you use it blindly, you will harm other mod users who may just playing safe. Maybe you can create a new account and use the mod again, but when you already have a lot of things in this game and have reached the last year, then suddenly your account is banned, you will find it difficult to start everything from scratch again. Even with mod.

Like you said mod wisely, in full marks you don't need to get 10k pts for 1st place, do 1k-2k or slightly higher than 2nd place just enough to win and remember to time correctly with your tasks, just don't get full of yourself doing all the thing at once, make the pts look suspicious. No one will report you with just normal points.
About house pride is up to your luck lol, if you're group with a bunch of cheater earning so high pts, even if you don't have high rank, JC will ban you eventually when they scan your group. I think just wait for a day before earning pts in house pride, it would reduce the chance you meet up with your fellow cheaters.
Like you said mod wisely, in full marks you don't need to get 10k pts for 1st place, do 1k-2k or slightly higher than 2nd place just enough to win and remember to time correctly with your tasks, just don't get full of yourself doing all the thing at once, make the pts look suspicious. No one will report you with just normal points.

It's up to you and others if you still want to play full marks with normal points, I don't force what I say but I just give a warning.🙂

But as others here have said, you never know when you're out of luck. Maybe there is a time you meet another cheater who has unreasonable points and you are on the list even though your points are not high, someone reports that player even though you are not the one who was reported, who knows it could happen.

But for me, I have enough of what I already have now. I have several oufits, dorm sets that I like, more than enough notebooks and pages. And i don't want to lose it all. I just need to survive in this game to finish it. At least my accounts will be safer by not participating in those 2 events.

I've been banned several times since 2 years ago. And almost all because playing full marks. And a few days ago because of house pride. Honestly I'm tired of playing from the start. Raising the level of the club house and the romance level for all couples are exhausting.😕
About house pride is up to your luck lol, if you're group with a bunch of cheater earning so high pts, even if you don't have high rank, JC will ban you eventually when they scan your group. I think just wait for a day before earning pts in house pride, it would reduce the chance you meet up with your fellow cheaters.

Yes reduce the chance but not always work 100%. Like you said, depends on your luck. So why only reduce the chance if I can choose not to participate in the event at all.😄

This is for myself. Other people have other decisions. And I have no problem at all with it.😉
Did you ever buy a package with real money on the accounts that you got banned? I have 1 account which finally got to year 7 with no ban, but I'm thinking it's cuz i bought a pack with 4 outfits at one point with the original apk. Maybe they are hoping to squeeze more money in the future 😂
sorry for the late reply
no,i dont think paying JC with muggles money gives you immunity from being banned. (having said that, on another game (not HPHM ) i did pay real money and the account was not banned even though they must have known i was cheating )

as for how i was make a long story short. i was at year 7 and the last chapter ( at that time ) was doing an assignment for Amos Diggory ( the man is a bad omen, he got his own son killed because he is such a bad luck, no wonder my account banned dealing with him haha ) so anyway, the mission got stuck. i complete it but it glitched and not register as complete ( i trayed every solution any one could think of..i even waited for a whole month on the hope the new game update will correct the issue. no luck . so i contacted JC to ask them to finish the assignment manually for me ( a procedure they gladly do for any non naughty player ) i knew when i contacted them that 99.9% chance i will get banned,,,and yes they were up to my expectations :)
sorry for the late reply
no,i dont think paying JC with muggles money gives you immunity from being banned. (having said that, on another game (not HPHM ) i did pay real money and the account was not banned even though they must have known i was cheating )

as for how i was make a long story short. i was at year 7 and the last chapter ( at that time ) was doing an assignment for Amos Diggory ( the man is a bad omen, he got his own son killed because he is such a bad luck, no wonder my account banned dealing with him haha ) so anyway, the mission got stuck. i complete it but it glitched and not register as complete ( i trayed every solution any one could think of..i even waited for a whole month on the hope the new game update will correct the issue. no luck . so i contacted JC to ask them to finish the assignment manually for me ( a procedure they gladly do for any non naughty player ) i knew when i contacted them that 99.9% chance i will get banned,,,and yes they were up to my expectations :)

It happened to me 2 years ago, on my first account. I've bought Penny summer clothes after TLSQ using muggle money. And couple months later when i try to open my game in new year after hibernation few days, i got new year gift from JC. My account was banned.😕
It happened to me 2 years ago, on my first account. I've bought Penny summer clothes after TLSQ using muggle money. And couple months later when i try to open my game in new year after hibernation few days, i got new year gift from JC. My account was banned.😕
how inconsiderate of them. Banning us for cheating not thinking of us spending countless hours chea,,, er ..i mean playing :)
on the bright side, i took my owls with straight O's this time..always bugged me i couldn't do that on the main account, also i now always choose the rude answer for any given choices quotation (which is fun for me ). also my mc dates Penney not Merula this time,,and she is so sweet xd

so when they ban me again for what i did with the notebooks i will not be sad about it
how inconsiderate of them. Banning us for cheating not thinking of us spending countless hours chea,,, er ..i mean playing :)
on the bright side, i took my owls with straight O's this time..always bugged me i couldn't do that on the main account, also i now always choose the rude answer for any given choices quotation (which is fun for me ). also my mc dates Penney not Merula this time,,and she is so sweet xd

so when they ban me again for what i did with the notebooks i will not be sad about it

Well since the account will probably get banned at one point anyway, i gone ahead and bought all pets in sanctuary and room at the last event with pages. At least I'm trying out everything
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