Just join one of the Discord servers for HPHM and give yourself an events role. You'll get a ping every time one is about to start or end. If you see that Full Marks or House Pride is going to start, that's your cue to take a 1-week break from the game. Events usually start around 9pm UTC, so convert that to your local timezone and use that as your reference point to stop and check for them online.Can you add a feature that checks for bannable events ongoing when you open the game and warn you if there is
Quand sortira la prochaine mise à jour ?
We dont know.Quand sortira la prochaine mise à jour ?
What do u mean ?Excellent MOD, mais nécessite une mise à niveau:clin d'œil:
Do you mean you're banned ?Pourquoi le jeu a une telle erreur... Je suis à nouveau expulsé
You have to take a screenshot and show us. Posts like these won't help us solve your problem.Why the game such error.. I'm kicked out again again
Can I reinstall on this site or do I have to use another link?Videz le cache de l'application et le cache de stockage et réinstallez un autre jeu.
Page one if this topic. Did you have a Facebook -linked game ?Puis-je réinstaller sur ce site ou dois-je utiliser un autre lien ?