Being in a club doesn't make you banned,est-il vrai que tu n'es pas obligé de faire cette mission de première année avec Penny où tu choisis un club de dragon, de sphinx et d'hippogriffe pour ne pas être banni ? (j'ai lu ça quelque part par ici il y a longtemps)
is it true that you don't have to do that first year mission with Penny where you choose a dragon, sphinx and hippogriff club so you don't get banned? (I read that somewhere around here a long time ago)
I stuck up on energy because i have ios vanilla version and modded version.That's why I quoted debatable. But, I also see no reason to stack up so much energy since we have mod to handle the energy usage. My main has caught-up, I have to be very careful with it. Even I do the same with my alternate accounts. But, if I have to test something, my alt can do it. Perhaps, another time.
Thanks, It works perfect nowTry to clear cache(if that doesnt help i cant really help you i never encountered that error myself with this mod so sorry if that didnt help you).
Ofc we always see his name in game Welp I thought you might be GBO anyways Thanks a lot G-Boッ for making this great mod and always giving regular updates tooYeah, I can't take credit for the mod, only some of the game guardian guides.
It's pretty safe to say that without G-Bo ッ and this modded apk, the game would be near unplayable, especially in later years. You see "legit" players quitting all the time in year 7 on the games subreddit due to the impossible energy requirements.
YurrThank you very much !
Can you make a video tutorial?I used game guardian to level all my attributes up (not too high, but they're around 90ish each at the moment which should at least last a few more years), so I never needed the study with a friend feature. Does the former student center not have it? I can't check at the moment because of the full marks.
I can an say that in the Hogwarts mystery portuguese group people easely post their stuff with mods and nobody told them not to cheat.C'est curieux la différence dans la communauté entre les joueurs légaux et non légaux mdr, alors qu'ici les gens sont plus réfléchis avec les joueurs légaux, de leur côté ils nous "détestent" d'une certaine manière ._.XD.
Ou peut-être que je me trompe, je ne sais pas, mais ils avaient déjà commenté ici qu'ils n'aimaient pas parler de tricherie.
Je ne sais pas ce que cela sera dans la communauté hispanophone et dans d’autres langues.
Can you make a video tutorial?
I don't know how to use Game guardian
If you can put a link of the tutorial, it will be really helpful.
Also, can you tell me the Fuzzy search Value?
It seems perfect to me, it is a good way to maintain a good and broad community.I can an say that in the Hogwarts mystery portuguese group people easely post their stuff with mods and nobody told them not to cheat.
I can't log in at the moment because of the full marks, but I can post another similar video that shows club values instead. The concept is the same:
Rather than searching for club xp, search for your overall attribute xp instead. To update/change your xp, use a lesson or task.
The cumulative xp values can be found here. For example, if you are 58 in an attribute, search for 102750+ your current amount (or do a range search such as 102000~107000 which is far easier than working out exactly).
After you have done your initial search, you change the value as show above, but then do a fuzzy search instead. Here's a picture showing that stage broken down:
View attachment 677531
I might make a newer video guide for attributes specifically, but it would have to be after the FM has ended.
Some people are more open-minded than others.Cela me semble parfait, c'est un bon moyen de maintenir une bonne et large communauté.