Ok, so I managed to find and reupload an old guide that is for club xp levels. It is mostly the same, except for the fact that you have to increase your attributes rather than your club level.
Also, there is currently a house pride event on so you should avoid lessons/tasks until that is over as they will grant house points (even in Beyond/Year 8 or 9). You can still get attributes from feeding max level creatures but it is unreliable and it is probably best that you wait for the house pride to finish and use lessons/tasks instead.
Also, remember that your first search is as a dword and the value is your cumulative xp for your attribute. If you don't want to bother working it out, you could try typing in 10000~20000 . This should be a wide enough range that your current value should be in it, and also should be small enough not to crash your game searching.
When changing your value, don't do anything too big. For example, for Beyond Hogwarts I would recomend that you use around 250000 so that you are attribute level 90, which should future proof you for at least a few years.