With Original App you can get the Minus lower in Magiczoology Lvl 8 with Fedding etc, just Mod apk puts it back to -39780.
MAybe it count again normally when you are out of Minus.
Mod app reset it back to -39780 (with all animals out of 3 max, i earn about 3k in one run, so every 12h ist this about 6k per day when all are unlocked, maybe more when you even watch the food times so you get with some 3x a day feed exp)
i guess when you are back in plus, the Mod apk will also count normally again, i will try..
What i really hope is that with next update, that this minus is fixed by JamCity, so when you start 5.4.2 with playstore app it get coreccted into positve amountof exp, so that then the Mod apk works again normally