Let's hope so, that at least the next multiplayer event will return in a monthj'espère qu'il n'y aura pas de ça , Icecubic75. Je ne pense pas qu'ils continueront à faire ça.
well on that part, now it would make a little more senseIcecubic75 oui tu l'utilises aussi sur Tulip et Charlie et toi. Quatrième année et avant.
To all this I was reading that many say that now there are 2 potions missing to put them back, something like the case of the episkey, I am not a veteran in the game so I am not very aware, but what use would they really be for me? Unlock some action or some dialogue in the story/special mission/limited time mission, or what really?
Espérons qu'au moins le prochain événement multijoueur reviendra dans un mois
Hope later than one month.
Most likely because in the achievement tab, they are still there and its annoying for alot of people because you can't unlock it. Apparently the new episkey task isn't the old one its just a simply new but short versionTo all this I was reading that many say that now there are 2 potions missing to put them back, something like the case of the episkey, I am not a veteran in the game so I am not very aware, but what use would they really be for me? Unlock some action or some dialogue in the story/special mission/limited time mission, or what really?