Thanks broJam City patched out hacked energy purchases a long time ago. As far as we're aware, G-Bo has no intention of finding another way to get around it. The only way to purchase energy with the gems cheat is to buy it through Brilliant Bargains (which, now, you can only do once per day instead of unlimited times).
Even so, be careful when purchasing energy. If you have more than 600, there's a flag that gets triggered on your account that causes JC to investigate you and there's a higher risk of getting banned. Any time you start to get close to 600 energy (because you'll inevitably get bonus energy through extra Chocolate Frog cards, story spree, etc.), turn off your infinite energy hack and play study sessions until you're back to 0.
Can this be done with the latest modded version or do I need older or legit version of the game?You better link your account to fb if you don't want to lose your progress. Access it through your Character Info in-game, click Settings and proceed to click Account Info and "Link" your account to fb. Mind you to uninstall fb app (if you have already) beforehand. After that you'll get directed to your Browser. Just follow the instructions then.
i can't tooI cant login by this error View attachment 601276
i think that the only solution is wait. I was reading that the error is going to be fixed this weekI cant login by this error View attachment 601276
Anyone have the answer for this? Tried to link my fb account and after logging in through browser my game has black screen and if I close the game or go back it says I'm not connected to my fb account.Can this be done with the latest modded version or do I need older or legit version of the game?
To bypass the bug, you have to play the vanilla version in other device other than the one you have your mods on. After you have passed the loading screen, change you location and save. Close the game and play the mod version. The bug will be fixed. But, the precondition for this is you have already linked your account to fb so you can reload your progress when you play the vanilla version.I have done this before with the modded version of the game but everytime I logged in to my fb account it went to a black screen so I don't know if it's linked or not. Also, can't do it right now because of the bug so I guess I'm just gonna wait for an update and try to link my fb account then.
When you install the legit version, the game will assign you a new id. You won't log in with your old id. You can think of them as a different entity altogether, so yes they will not linked. When I got forced-log-out a week ago, I installed the 5.2.2 mod version. Just like people of this forum had instructed, I linked my saves just fine then updated to a new version. Even if you haven't linked your account to fb yet, as long as you play the mod version, your character id won't change that's why even if you didn't link your account you could update your game with your id still.Can this be done with the latest modded version or do I need older or legit version of the game?