The first dword search that you do is your
current total xp for the attribute. You can work that out exactly using
the guide, or if you want you can just search for a range (use the ~ symbol between two numbers) and all the numbers between that will be a part of the search. For example, if I was part way through level 30 I could either search for 24910 + (my current xp for level 30 only)
OR I could search for something like 23000~26880, which is the total xp between levels 29-31 which we know that our level 30 will be between.
The second search that you do is for the
changed value. This is done after you have gained more attribute points after the first search. For example, if I was doing a lesson after the first search and got
15 attribute points I would then go to fuzzy search (magnifying glass), click "More", and then
type 15 into "Difference:" and click "N=O+D". This will narrow the search down. Hopefully there will be only 3 search results by this point: If not, then repeat (i.e gain more attribute points and search the difference again.