I finished year 5 doing all the subjects with 10 stars for each subject, and I still couldn't finish first in the house points, it's the first time I've seen that happen XD.
I always see posts from community users about the exaggerated amount of points we made at the end of the year, for example: you have 7 thousand points, second place takes 3 thousand points, and you say haha this is arranged so that we always come first, taking an abysmal amount of points to second place, this time it didn't happen to me.
In this case there is an important fact, I think, and that is that I did not do Quidditch because I finished it the year before and that is why I do not add the points that you can do there (which are TOO MANY POINTS).
FINALLY, too much text for this nonsense, but I was curious, due to the fact that I didn't come first at the end of the year, even though I always got perfect scores in classes and got a lot of points. I know that I can add extra points by doing extra classes and quidditch, but I repeat, without doing quidditch and without doing extra classes it is not enough for me to come first.
It was funny because my MC has almost 2 thousand points and the second "student" has like 500 XD.
Is it normal for this to happen?