i use nox mostlyits not working on bluestacks unfortunatly ):
That's gonna depend on several different factors, like your PC build, your Bluestacks settings, what version you're using, etc. Emulators will never be as stable as native hardware (phones and tablets) because of those factors. For some people, it runs totally fine. For others, it's unplayable. But playing the mod on your phone is always going to be more stable.its not working on bluestacks unfortunatly ):
Oh shit, not again.Full Marks has STARTED! You must STOP playing the game between now and February 23rd because this is a multiplayer event that you will be automatically enrolled into if you launch the game. Failure to heed this warning can result in an increased chance of getting BANNED from the game!
Don't say we didn't warn you.
Did you begin to play today ?Oh merde, pas encore.
If I started today, it wouldn't be "again".Did you begin to play today ?
I didn't meant that . I asked if you logged in the game today.If I started today, it wouldn't be "again".
lmfao, by pure coincidence, I also tried to set up Open Mystery yesterday and also got the same error you did. There's no read me, troubleshooting or way of contacting the creators that I could find. Let me know if you figure it out!Trying to set up OpenMystery, but this error message popped up. Anyone able to help? Thanks.
That's where I put most of my work into. Initially I had gotten the files from my phone, but when that didn't work, installed a fresh app on BlueStacks and got the files from there instead, but it didn't help. Oh well.its problem with first folder if i recall correctly
yea i had that problem and ended up having brainPo give me folder insteadThat's where I put most of my work into. Initially I had gotten the files from my phone, but when that didn't work, installed a fresh app on BlueStacks and got the files from there instead, but it didn't help. Oh well.
It's possible but you must play without resting several hours maybeshit, the carnival came and they put the kitten as a pet in rewards (you could only get it by paying), and we will only have one day to try to get it, I don't use GG so it's a miracle if I get it![]()