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PMT FREE MOD Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Ver. 6.4.0 MOD Menu APK | No Energy, Gem & Coin Costs, Unlock Shop |

That's for the first search (This replaces step 2. Fuzzy Dword search from the original guide).
I'm level 98 so mi xp between that level are 282360 and 292540 and I hit search and the data appears, when I want to do step 3 I earn points to raise the attributes and at the end I put the number 10 because that's what I win, as it is in the image of step 3 and I follow all the steps but in the end it does not find any data.
I followed the steps in the images, but it didn't work out, so I wanted to see how to make it work. Another question, so step 2 of the original guide is no longer done, so how do I do step 3 in that case?

Step 3 in the guide remains the same, it's just step 2 that we are changing as the game crashes if you search for all values (so we are searching exact OR for a range).

Just to be clear, that level 98 is your attribute value (empathy, courage, knowledge) and not your characters overall level? Because this search need to be for your attribute.

And in the last step, step 5, i don´t understand the number 5 that say "don´t click step 3 arrow"

This will be easier to see in the video, and also when I remake the guide specifically for attributes, but what that means is that you only do step "3. Click arrow, select XOR...=???" for the value labled as "Encrypted Value" in step "4.Repeat until only 1-3 values remain".

For the top "Value" you only need to click it, select Dword, type your new value, and click "YES". You don't need to use the XOR key for that.

This is a bit messy in my original guide, so I will make it a lot easier to see in the video. I will try to film one when the multiplayer events stop being back-to-back, which will hopefully be in 7 days.
Empahty: 51 Courage: 49 and knowledge: 50. The level 98 Is the xp
Empahty: 51 Courage: 49 and knowledge: 50. The level 98 Is the xp

The xp value listed in the guide are for the attribute levels, not the character level.

For example, your 51 empathy will be between 75710~82110 , your 49 courage will be between 69550~75710 , and your 50 knowledge will be between 72600~78880. Try those value and the guide should work, though be careful as a full marks event will start in a few hours.
It already worked for me, but I'm trying to upload another attribute and in the end I get a memory error, do you know what that is?, Is it because the game paused?
I was able to increase my attributes, thanks for helping me
I was able to increase my attributes, thanks for helping me

No problem, glad it worked

It already worked for me, but I'm trying to upload another attribute and in the end I get a memory error, do you know what that is?, Is it because the game paused?

Also, this memory error happens if the encrypted value and the normal value don't match. I've done this accidentally sometimes, where I've either forgot to edit one before unpausing the game or I've accidentally typed one of the numbers wrong. It doesn't break anything, as as once you turn it off and on again it works normally again so no permanent damage done.

Lol yeah. I restarted and forgot how slow progress is for certain parts Ive beem Y3C3 for a week, getting one per day so i can finally get the one to move quudditch along. I think today is the day haha
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