Still FM ? Oh no.Attention ! Du 11 au 17 novembre : note maximale.
Thank you but that won't be necessary. I managed to figure out what the problem was. Out of tiredness I realized it was my fault. I carefully followed your videos again I noticed that after I wrote some numbers into the encrypted value and after pasting the XOR key those numbers changed into that XOR key I pasted and I thought that shouldn't happen and I kept changing it therefore the error. :))) Another error that happened to me was after experimenting for a while with "known value" to change books, pages, club xp, duel events when I tried to "fuzzy search" for attributes xp the search went very fast not slow as it should be until my game lagged and crashed. Apparently after changing "data in the RAM" to "No" everything works again. Anyway...I didn't overdo my stats to be suspicious. I have like 3000 notebooks of each kind, 150k pages, 15k food, I put the club xp for 50k and my attributes are at lvl 41. I think that should be ok, right? Nothing exaggerated. I'm not really interested in coins and gems since we use the modded version (I'll try that another time) or friendship lvl. There's only one thing I'd like to try but I don't know how. Creatures timers for bonding and feeding. If you know how to do that one I'd appreciate it. I wouldn't want to spend months on that one to lvl them. Oh and another question. I saw FM event is coming and I was wondering if you play the game during that event but don't play the event itself like keeping the marks to 0 does it count or should I avoid playing no matter what?If bluestacks runs out of memory, it generally just closes the current app and doesn't give an error. The error itself is from the HPHM client. If you want to make sure, you can try the SW (software) version of GG if you are not already using it. It is slightly slower, but should be better with less memory.
The most likely cause in cases like this is that the XOR key is not being applied properly, which can be caused by thing such as not pausing the game or copying the wrong number. If you could, take a screenshot of the tab (for example, the tab that's at around 1:17 in the video above) with the values before you make your edit, and another screenshot of the tab after you have made your changes and it crashes and I'll check to make sure that the key is applied correctly.
As I've had to repeat myself every few pages, do not log in during any multiplayer events (Full Marks or House Pride).Thank you but that won't be necessary. I managed to figure out what the problem was. Out of tiredness I realized it was my fault. I carefully followed your videos again I noticed that after I wrote some numbers into the encrypted value and after pasting the XOR key those numbers changed into that XOR key I pasted and I thought that shouldn't happen and I kept changing it therefore the error. :))) Another error that happened to me was after experimenting for a while with "known value" to change books, pages, club xp, duel events when I tried to "fuzzy search" for attributes xp the search went very fast not slow as it should be until my game lagged and crashed. Apparently after changing "data in the RAM" to "No" everything works again. Anyway...I didn't overdo my stats to be suspicious. I have like 3000 notebooks of each kind, 150k pages, 15k food, I put the club xp for 50k and my attributes are at lvl 41. I think that should be ok, right? Nothing exaggerated. I'm not really interested in coins and gems since we use the modded version (I'll try that another time) or friendship lvl. There's only one thing I'd like to try but I don't know how. Creatures timers for bonding and feeding. If you know how to do that one I'd appreciate it. I wouldn't want to spend months on that one to lvl them. Oh and another question. I saw FM event is coming and I was wondering if you play the game during that event but don't play the event itself like keeping the marks to 0 does it count or should I avoid playing no matter what?
Non rooted devices usually dont exactly have game guardian work as perfectly as it otherwise would in fact when i frogot to root my emulator it didnt even wanna be installed.Hello can i get some help please ? Are there other softwares than Game Gardian for nonrooted devices and for Android 13 ? Please and thanks
And what can i do ?Les appareils non rootés ne permettent généralement pas à Game Guardian de fonctionner aussi parfaitement qu'il le ferait autrement. En fait, lorsque j'ai oublié de rooter mon émulateur, il ne voulait même pas être installé.
Thank you but that won't be necessary. I managed to figure out what the problem was. Out of tiredness I realized it was my fault. I carefully followed your videos again I noticed that after I wrote some numbers into the encrypted value and after pasting the XOR key those numbers changed into that XOR key I pasted and I thought that shouldn't happen and I kept changing it therefore the error. :))) Another error that happened to me was after experimenting for a while with "known value" to change books, pages, club xp, duel events when I tried to "fuzzy search" for attributes xp the search went very fast not slow as it should be until my game lagged and crashed. Apparently after changing "data in the RAM" to "No" everything works again. Anyway...I didn't overdo my stats to be suspicious. I have like 3000 notebooks of each kind, 150k pages, 15k food, I put the club xp for 50k and my attributes are at lvl 41. I think that should be ok, right? Nothing exaggerated. I'm not really interested in coins and gems since we use the modded version (I'll try that another time) or friendship lvl. There's only one thing I'd like to try but I don't know how. Creatures timers for bonding and feeding. If you know how to do that one I'd appreciate it. I wouldn't want to spend months on that one to lvl them. Oh and another question. I saw FM event is coming and I was wondering if you play the game during that event but don't play the event itself like keeping the marks to 0 does it count or should I avoid playing no matter what?
Thank you very much. I'll try to do it and let you know if I succeed.Glad it worked
For creature xp, there's 2 methods you can use. The one that you are asking about (changing the timer) is easy to do, but can cause problems. you essentially search for the timer in memory (in seconds) before you feed/bond and then change it to a lower number. For example, for bonding takes 12 hours, this is 43200 seconds. If you search for 43200 as a dword, you then change all of the results to a low number such as 1. Then when you bond again the timer will only be 1 second. This change will reset after exiting and reentering the game.
That method is an older method that was used a few years ago. It works most times, but can cause crashes as some of the other 43200 results that you are editing could potentially be values that are unrelated to creatures. For that reason, I don't recommend that method and instead recommend this second method.
There is a better method, which is slightly slower but is guaranteed to work and is a lot safer. Similar to how you can edit attributes, you can edit a creatures overall xp and then set it to a higher number. Using the creatures tab in this guide, you can find the overall xp that your creature has and then change it to a higher number (but not too high).
I will use the Abraxan as an example. Make sure that when you do this method, your creature still has feed and bond still available. You firstly want to search for your current xp as a dword. If you are level 1 it will just be the number show on screen. If you are a higher level you need the cumulative value, which is current xp + the xp of the previous levels. E.G. for abraxan if I was level 4 affection with 100 xp, I use the guide (lines 167 downwards show all the xp per level for creatures) to work out that level 1 is 102 xp, level 2 is 128 xp, and level 3 is 178xp. Therefore I add 102+128+178+100 and get 508. I search for this as a dword. I then feed the creature to gain 35 more xp, and then search for 543.
The search might have only 1 result at this point. If not, bond and get 11 more xp and then search for 554. There should be 1 result at this point. I then change this encrypted value to 2550 (which is max xp for that creature show between lines 82 and 137 in that guide). I generally set it to a number just below max so that next time I feed it, it naturally rolls over to max (as through memory editing I can tell that the game stores values over the max so doing it this way is less suspicious if JC checked the numbers).
If this is too complicated, I might be able to quickly record a video of it, but all my creatures are maxed so I would have to wait for my friends account before I do that.
Tried your method and it works perfectly. I did it with a fairy that I had at lvl 1, got 1 result after I feed it. Fairy max xp is 2016 but I set the value at 2007 since I had one bonding available that gave me 9 xp so yeah. I learned a lot these days and now it seems easy to do it that I'm afraid to do it to not raise suspicion.Glad it worked
For creature xp, there's 2 methods you can use. The one that you are asking about (changing the timer) is easy to do, but can cause problems. you essentially search for the timer in memory (in seconds) before you feed/bond and then change it to a lower number. For example, for bonding takes 12 hours, this is 43200 seconds. If you search for 43200 as a dword, you then change all of the results to a low number such as 1. Then when you bond again the timer will only be 1 second. This change will reset after exiting and reentering the game.
That method is an older method that was used a few years ago. It works most times, but can cause crashes as some of the other 43200 results that you are editing could potentially be values that are unrelated to creatures. For that reason, I don't recommend that method and instead recommend this second method.
There is a better method, which is slightly slower but is guaranteed to work and is a lot safer. Similar to how you can edit attributes, you can edit a creatures overall xp and then set it to a higher number. Using the creatures tab in this guide, you can find the overall xp that your creature has and then change it to a higher number (but not too high).
I will use the Abraxan as an example. Make sure that when you do this method, your creature still has feed and bond still available. You firstly want to search for your current xp as a dword. If you are level 1 it will just be the number show on screen. If you are a higher level you need the cumulative value, which is current xp + the xp of the previous levels. E.G. for abraxan if I was level 4 affection with 100 xp, I use the guide (lines 167 downwards show all the xp per level for creatures) to work out that level 1 is 102 xp, level 2 is 128 xp, and level 3 is 178xp. Therefore I add 102+128+178+100 and get 508. I search for this as a dword. I then feed the creature to gain 35 more xp, and then search for 543.
The search might have only 1 result at this point. If not, bond and get 11 more xp and then search for 554. There should be 1 result at this point. I then change this encrypted value to 2550 (which is max xp for that creature show between lines 82 and 137 in that guide). I generally set it to a number just below max so that next time I feed it, it naturally rolls over to max (as through memory editing I can tell that the game stores values over the max so doing it this way is less suspicious if JC checked the numbers).
If this is too complicated, I might be able to quickly record a video of it, but all my creatures are maxed so I would have to wait for my friends account before I do that.
Just wanted to drop a quick thank you for the detailed instructions you shared on editing creature XP. I tried the method with my Sea Serpent, and it worked perfectly.Glad it worked
For creature xp, there's 2 methods you can use. The one that you are asking about (changing the timer) is easy to do, but can cause problems. you essentially search for the timer in memory (in seconds) before you feed/bond and then change it to a lower number. For example, for bonding takes 12 hours, this is 43200 seconds. If you search for 43200 as a dword, you then change all of the results to a low number such as 1. Then when you bond again the timer will only be 1 second. This change will reset after exiting and reentering the game.
That method is an older method that was used a few years ago. It works most times, but can cause crashes as some of the other 43200 results that you are editing could potentially be values that are unrelated to creatures. For that reason, I don't recommend that method and instead recommend this second method.
There is a better method, which is slightly slower but is guaranteed to work and is a lot safer. Similar to how you can edit attributes, you can edit a creatures overall xp and then set it to a higher number. Using the creatures tab in this guide, you can find the overall xp that your creature has and then change it to a higher number (but not too high).
I will use the Abraxan as an example. Make sure that when you do this method, your creature still has feed and bond still available. You firstly want to search for your current xp as a dword. If you are level 1 it will just be the number show on screen. If you are a higher level you need the cumulative value, which is current xp + the xp of the previous levels. E.G. for abraxan if I was level 4 affection with 100 xp, I use the guide (lines 167 downwards show all the xp per level for creatures) to work out that level 1 is 102 xp, level 2 is 128 xp, and level 3 is 178xp. Therefore I add 102+128+178+100 and get 508. I search for this as a dword. I then feed the creature to gain 35 more xp, and then search for 543.
The search might have only 1 result at this point. If not, bond and get 11 more xp and then search for 554. There should be 1 result at this point. I then change this encrypted value to 2550 (which is max xp for that creature show between lines 82 and 137 in that guide). I generally set it to a number just below max so that next time I feed it, it naturally rolls over to max (as through memory editing I can tell that the game stores values over the max so doing it this way is less suspicious if JC checked the numbers).
If this is too complicated, I might be able to quickly record a video of it, but all my creatures are maxed so I would have to wait for my friends account before I do that.
Nov 11-17, 10 pm UTCAt what time FM event will start on Nov 11?
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